Chapter 33

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Your POV

"(F/N) may I come in?" A familiar, deep voices knock on our bedroom door.

"Yeah" I mumbled.

L came through the door and shut it behind him, only to sit beside me on my bed.

"What happened?" He sighed.

I sighed also before explaining "someone who I presumed escaped from an asylum came in the cafe we were in and threatened to kill anyone who came near him. So of course I-"

"Did you kill him?"

"No! I know better than to loose it I'm front of a bunch of people! I just threw a knife at his eye and pinned him to the floor! That's it! I promise" you exclaimed.

"You do realise the consequences that could've occurred if you did kill him? It's a very dangerous thing that you did and I want you to promise not to do it again" the detective stared at me.

I nodded and sighed. "I wouldn't kill him anyway, I only would if needed..." I trailed off.

"Good. Also, next time inform me when you are leaving Wammie's with three other people. I didn't known where you were for a while. And I hate not knowing." L stood up and left the room, once again, closing the door behind him.

I rolled my eyes and carried on staring at the ceiling. I'm super bored...

"Heh...I have an idea" I muttered as I took out my laptop.

I logged in on Skype and decided to call the one and only light Yagami...

Call: light Yagami

It was soon answered and I was greeted by the smiling face if Light.

"Hey Konami, how's it going?" He smiled.

"I'm bored. Like really bored" I groaned.

"When will you be back? Me and the task force are bored and clueless" light whined.

"Oh shut it, I'm-A-Gay. We have probably around 1 or 2 days left until we come back. Now quit your whining and take life like a man!" I joked.

"But I can't~" he whined more.

I face palmed before deciding to call someone else....

"I've got to go I'm-A-Gay, see ya later" I said goodbye and ended the call.


I smirked.

"Ryuk" I called.


"ARE YOU SERIOUS YOU DAMN SHINIGAMI" I screamed and flopped onto my bed.

Knock knock.


"Come in" I sounded muffled from my pillow.

L again? Can he not just go away? Just for a bit?

"What do you want L?" I groaned.

"You are talking to yourself again-"

"No! I was trying to get a certain shinigami's ass over hear to help prevent me dying of boredom" I complained.

"I want to take out out, since tomorrow we have to leave" L stated.



"Fine" I grunt and walk to the car with L. I plug in my earphones to my phone, listening to (F/B) as we drive to our destination.

~at the destination~

"Why are we at.... A house?" I didn't understand, it's just a house. Why would he bring me here?

"You said you wanted to meet your parents, so here we are" L gestured to the house.

Hehehe.... I can finally get my revenge... But how will I do it without being took back to the asylum?

we knocked on the door and a woman with (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes answered the door.

"Um hello? Who are you?" She asked confusedly.

"I win hide and seek, mother" I quickly repeated my steps from previously. I reached down Into my boot and pulled out a knife.

Please don't ask why I always have a knife in my boot...

I was about to stab her neck but L grabbed my arm.

"(F/N), you know better than to kill her. You only got out of the asylum not long ago, I'd hate it if you'd have to go back" L said in my ear.

I sighed and put down my knife, sliding it back Into my boot.

"Good, now have a proper convocation"

"No. She left me in a park as a child, I'm not gonna just talk to her like it never happened" I glared at the woman knows as my mother.


"No, bye" I waved and as soon as I turned around, I felt something sharp in my back.

That woman stabbed me.

I refuse to give up.

Not now.

Not ever.

Infact..... I came up with the greatest Plan I've possible ever thought of...

I fell to the floor and grabbed a syringe from my pocket. I quickly and unnoticeably injected the toxins into my blood stream as I closed my eyes.....

I will know what it's like to sleep once again....

Even I it's only for a short while.

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