Chapter 41

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Your POV

"How do you want to kill them?" L asked curiously, "you are very good when it comes to murder, so I'm expecting something interesting" L says as we walked to the room were we will end it all.

"I don't want to do anything to gruesome, indeed it would be fun but I think I'm taking a liking to injections" I smiled wickedly. "Where is near?" I asked.

"He won't be here for the execution, he will be keeping an eye on Matt and Mello" L explained.

"Understandable" I commented as we reached the rooms of the murderers' death.

We entered and Light and Misa were sat two chairs facing the one-way-window. They were tied so they couldn't move.

"I decided not to do a gory death, so take that into appreciation" I smiled a closed eye smile.

"Y-you can't do this! Please! Let me and Light go!" Misa begged.

I stayed silent as a grabbed a syringe and a bottle of potassium chloride from my pocket.

"Okay, I will explain this to you. This," I held up a bottle of the liquid, "is potassium chloride, it is one of the three different drugs I chose from to end your life. You're lucky I chose this, it's not as painful" I smirked. "But, in other words, I'm executing you by lethal injection".

I filled the syringe with the potassium chloride and neared Misa as she struggled to escape.

"No! Please! Please!" She cried.

I silently injected her with the drugs. Her eyes fluttered close and I checked her pulse, her heartbeat faded away, she was no just a lifeless body.

"Light! Your next!" I sang as I skipped towards him.

"Go ahead! I'm god! I'm immortal!" He smirked.

"No I'm pretty sure you aren't" I said as I refilled the syringe with the liquid. I injected him with the substance and he suffered the same fate as Misa. His heartbeat faded and his body turned cold and pale.

"I will be honest, I found that execution quite entertaining to watch. Although I am a person who tends not to watch deaths such as this, I found it more comforting to see with my own eyes that they are actually dead" L admits.

"Trust me. They are defiantly dead, I checked their pulses and made sure I overdosed them just in case" I smiled innocently.

L just smirked slightly and we entered his car, on our way to the hotel.

~at the hotel~

I hid behind the door as Lawliet knocked on what was supposedly Matt and Mello's room.

A muffled 'Enter' was heard from the other side. With that, L opened the door.

"L's back" Near said I heard Near ca to Matt and Mello from another room.

"Hey...." I heard Mello and Matt say in unison. Their eyes were bloodshot and it looks like they have been crying. I feel so guilty.

"I have a surprise for you" L teases.

"Unless it's (F/N) then I don't wanna know, I give up" Mello sighed.


"Mello!" I ran in and hugged Mello.

Mello stared at me in shock and Matt did too. Before I knew it, me, Matt and Mello were in a massive pile hugging each other.

"We thought you died dumbass!" Matt shouted at me.

"Sorry about that. But I'm here now, I missed you guys" I said as we all stood up and hugged each other separately.

"What even happened? How did L think you were dead?" Mello asked confusedly.

"Tetrodotoxin, just the right amount can make me seem dead, my pulse would be faint and slow and I'm unconscious and more symptoms" I answered Mello's question.

"It makes sense that you would use that to be honest..." Matt mumbled with a chuckle.

"Indeed it does. (F/N), I would like to speak with you in private" L said, looking me in the eyes.

"Of course, excuse me guys" I said to Mello and Matt as I followed L to another room.

"What did you-"

I never got to finish my sentence. Instead, I was cut off by a kiss from L.

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