Chapter 55

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Your POV

"I have something that might help with your memories" L said as he put on his shoes.

"Yes! Thank you! But...." I trailed off.

"But What?"

"What if I'm not suppose to know my memories? What if I'm meant to only remember a certain amount of my memories? What if-"

"Stop with the What Ifs! You will be fine"


"Stop with the What Ifs! You will be fine" I said to (F/N) comfortingly.

I feel horrible doing this to (F/N). She isn't really suppose to know all of her memories, there is a 72% chance that something bad could happen. However, I haven't quite predicted what that could be just yet...

"I trust you" she said. I could tell she put all her faith in me.

I smiled, "I trust you too".

Your POV

"So where Is this place that can help with my memories?" I asked curiously.

"Your old house" L said emotionlessly.

"My mother is there! I can't go back! So Is my father!" I growled.

"She is in jail, we don't know where your dad is, we think he ran off. It's fine, I have permission from the local police department for you to investigate your house, it's empty" L explained.

I nodded and soon enough, we were in front of my house.

I looked around the garden...


I walked into the front yard with mummy holding my hand,They hit me again...I hope daddy doesn't fine out.

~end of flashback~

I twitched.

"You okay?" L asked.

"Yeah... Let's carry on" I muttered and walked into my old house with my head hung low.

The house stunk of alcohol, it was Intoxicating, but not in the good way. It was dim, but not too dark.

I walked up the stairs into what looks like a child's room. Well, it was a very unclean child's room. It looks like it hasn't been kept in good condition for a while. It was very typical, everything was pink and girly.

We looked around the house more and everything seemed normal, except for the random pieces of litter that were scattered in a few places, not to forget the smell of alcohol.

We stepped outside of the house and I looked at it one last time....

Suddenly, all of my memories came back. My childhood, my parents, the orphanage, everything.

But something changed. Something clicked.

I smirked evilly, laughing creepily also. I walked back up to the house...

"(F/N), what are you doing?" L asked.

"Unfinished business" I cackled and opened the door.

"Come out, come out!" I sang and laughed.

L followed behind me nervously.

I opened the closet door.

"I found you" I whispered and grabbed my knife out of my boot.

My dad was sat inside of the closet. He instantly in self defence tried to punch me, but I grabbed his fist and twisted it behind his back.

"Nighty-night!" I chuckled and stabbed him in the nape of his neck.

My fathers body collapsed onto the floor and I laughed uncontrollably. Crimson blood covered my body and and the floor beneath me.

"(F/N) (L/N)! Put your weapons down!" I heard a voice shout to me.

I dropped my knife, knowing that I have more weapons with me and I am good at hand-to-hand-combat.

A man struggled to get the handcuffs on me because I was fighting back. I head butted him and I ran out of the house.

Police cars surrounded me. L was talking with one of them. I know this isn't his fault, but he is with them.

I ran with my hands still behind my back. Someone shot at me and a fell to the floor. Before I knew it I passed out....

~time skip~

I sat with my head down, my (H/C) hair covered my face and I was smirking devilishly. My hands were being held back and were tied to the chair.

"Why did you kill him?" L asked me.

"Isn't it already obvious?" My smirk widened. "He deserved to die...." I smiled evilly.

"That's not the (F/N) (L/N) I know" L muttered.

"I never was (F/N) (L/N), she meet existed." I spat.

"Oh really? I find that hard to believe, I remember having very good moments with her like-"


"THEN WHO WAS IT?!" L shrieked.

"....." I smirked again, "I am just a nightmare"

L eyes widened.

"Well in that case, you were a beautiful nightmare, a nightmare that I loved" L turned his head away.

"You will spend another 3 years in the asylum, you won't be freed until I am positive that you aren't insane." L said. He stood up and walked out of the room.

~later on~

I'm back at the Kanto mental asylum for the criminally insane in Japan.

I'm back in the room, I'm back in the straight-jacket.
I'm back were it all began. I'm back were I met L.
I'm back were I officially lost my sanity.

I'm back were my life changed, where I met the insomniac.

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