Chapter 45

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Your POV

"Okay, so, tell me about the unknown case" I said to L as I opened up my laptop. We are currently sat on my bed, facing the opposite of each other. As usual, I have sweets, drinks, earphones and my phone lay down beside me, L also had drinks and sweets besides him too.

"The murderer in this area called the unknown. His/her crimes have been occurring for no more than a month and he has already killed at least 30-40 people. The cause of death is usually burns, this is all the information I could gather. However, there are some people trying to solve this case, but they seem to be doing a terrible job at it" L explained as he took a sip from his tea.

"Hm...burns..." I muttered as I opened up google and began speedily typing into the search bar.

"He doesn't leave much evidence does he?" I asked as I showed L a picture I found online.

It was a picture of a man who burnt was burnt on his face, however, there weren't any signs of how the killer could've burnt him, the burn marks look a bit odd. He could have took most of the evidence with him, which was most likely. Although, burning wasn't the reason for his death, but there wasn't enough detail on the photo to see how he died.

"He doesn't... We should go to the murder scene. (F/N), try and find all the possible known places that the killer murdered his victims" L ordered.

"I'm on it," I bit my lip as I quickly typed. "You better be doing something too" I chuckled whilst keeping my eyes on the screen.

"I am, don't worry" L replied as our eyes stayed glued to our screens.

"Okay, I've currently 3 locations, he murders in the same area" I muttered.

"read them out." L said.

Mandory Lake, Sandburg Lane, Arky street, That's all. he kills in the same places repeatedly" I say to L as he takes more notes on his laptop, "at the same time too." I added.

"Hm... What time?" L questioned.

"Usually past 11:00, we better check these places out, I'm going to check the order that he does it in, it could help" I say as I take notes and search things on google.

"I agree that it could help, We should go to this killer's murder location tonight" L muttered.

I nodded and stuck a lollipop in my mouth. I found out the dates of his murders to see the order in which he kills.

He first struck at Sandburg Lane, at 11:00-12:00. The next time he murdered at Arky street, also at 11:00-12:00. The third time he murdered at Mandory Lake, once again, at 11:00-12:00. It goes in that order...

"L, he should be at Arky street today at 11:00-12:00 tonight." I said to L, urgently closing my laptop and standing up.

"What's the hurry?" L asked as he gently closed his laptop.

"IT'S 10:49!" I exclaimed as I slipped on my shoes "it takes approximately 10 minutes to get there from here!" I opened up the drawer in my room and grabbed an few things that might be needed...

~time skip~

We walked along Arky street, trying to look as casual as possible. Hopefully we could attract the murderer, I have some ketamine in my pocket, just in case.

"L, just thought I would inform you that there is a 14% chance of catching the killer" I muttered to L as we walked down the dark street.

"I know, it was realised moments ago" L replied. We then heard a scream of pure pain and terror.

"That must be him" I whispered as I ran quietly with L to the alleyway where we heard the scream come from.

"L stay back," I wanted as I stepped forward. "Hey? Is anyone there?" I called as I got the Ketamine injection prepared in my pocket.

I heard faint footsteps and a figure ran straight past me.

"Hey!" I shouted. They obviously weren't going to respond.

I got out my gun and turned off the safety, but I only managed to shoot his arm. Dammit.

"Sorry L, our predicament was correct" I murmured disappointedly as I walked with L back to our house.

"It's quite alright, at least you managed to somewhat injure him. And I predicted that if you were to run after him, he would've injured you." L paused "but of course I would never let him hurt you" L whispered into my ear as he kissed me in the moonlight.

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