Chapter 54

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Your POV

Me and L just got home from our nerf war. We both had tons if red marks on ourselves from were we got shot.

I changed into my pyjamas and knocked on L's bedroom door. I heard a small 'come in' and at that command, I opened the door.

L was in his Pyjama pants and was shirtless as he looked through a drawer to find a shirt.

'Act casual. Act casual. Act causal' I thought to myself.

"Hey L" I smiled and sat on his bed.

"Hello (F/N), did you enjoy our little nerf battle?" L asked kindly.

"Yes actually. I have red marks on my arms and stomach. I see you do too" I pointed at his stomach and chest.

"Ah. I knew you were checking me out" L chuckled.

"WHAT! It's not like that! It's not my fault you let me into your room whilst you're shirtless!" I pouted. "And you're my boyfriend, I have every right to 'check you out'" I muttered.

"So that means I can do the same to you?" L smirked.


"But you're my girlfriend, therefore I have every right to check you out" L mimicked what I said earlier.

I shoved my face into a pillow and groaned. "I CAN'T EVEN FREAKING- JUST ARGH".

"Calm down" L chuckled.

I sighed, "I will come back in when you are appropriately dressed" I stood up and walked towards the door.

However, when I was about to grab the door handle, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist.

"Stay in here with me" L whispered to me.

I could feel myself blush, but I did my best to conceal it.

"Uhhh, L, you aren't wearing a shirt" I muttered.

"I know" L murmured as he buried his face into the crook of my neck.

"Uhhhh.....okay...." I couldn't really process what was happening right now. I was too shocked.

"will you Lie in bed with me?" L asked.


"I won't so anything. No bad behaviour, I just want to lie down with you" L explained.

"Okay" I sighed.

Me and L laid down in his bed. We were cuddling peacefully and music was playing in the background. I felt loved and comforted, like nothing could hurt me.

"Thank you, Lawliet" I whispered quietly.

"Why are you thanking me?" L questioned.

"I wouldn't be here now if you didn't get me out of the asylum. I wouldn't have met you, I'm just thankful that I'm here with you. And I'm grateful for seeing Near, Mello and Matt again, not to forget regaining some of my memories" I thanked.

"To be honest, I never knew you would be this helpful. But I am happy that I got you out if the Asylum, I'm happy that you are always here for me. I'm also thankful that you have always been here to protect me" L admitted.

"I love you, (F/N)" L kissed me gently.

"I love you too"

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