Chapter 31

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Your POV

Lawliet said that we have 4 days all together staying at Wammie's, but now it's only three days left. Honestly, I am going to miss it here, who knew I would like an orphanage so much....

Knock knock knock

"Come in" I sighed as I stared at the ceiling.

L walked in and looked at me.

"You seem bored" he commented.

"Yeah- no shit Sherlock" I rolled my eyes.

"So what do you want to do today?" L asked.

"I don't know" I sighed again "I didn't realise how much I need work. My whole life I've done school work, homework and now a Kira case and I don't remember what I use to do so I don't know what to to... Does that even make sense?" I shoved a pillow into my face.

"I understand. So why don't we go out again?" L asked me.

I looked at him with big eyes.

"As in a date?"

He nodded.

Oh damn.....

"Fine" I mumbled.

"Great. I will be in Near's room, come when you have finished" L did his cute, tiny smile and Walked out, closing the door behind him.

I instantly stood up and rushed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair and had it (curly/straight/wavy/ect). I put on my black boots, black skinny jeans and ,as usual, a long sleeved, (F/C), oversized shirt. I grabbed my phone and earphones just Incase and a couple of lollipops.

I walked to Near's room and knocked.

"Come in" I heard near say.

I opened the door and I saw L and N talking about god knows what.

"Good morning (F/N), another date with L I see?" Near greeted.

I nodded and I could feel a faint blush rise on my cheeks.

"In that case, Go on L, take good care of her" near waved us goodbye as we went to his car.

"So were are we going today?" I questioned.

"It's a surprise" he smirked.

God-damnit he's cute.... What what?!?!

We stopped at a....lake? Something like that.

"Come on" L held out his hand for me to take.

I hesitantly took his hand and we walked around the lake.

"Why did you take me to a lake?" I asked.

"It's not this part of it that I want to show you, now stop asking questions" L then shoved a lollipop in my mouth. I giggled and gave him a lollipop too.

"It is beautiful here" I stared into the gorgeous, clear water, admiring how the sun makes it's surface shimmer.

"That's why I brought you here, I knew you'd like it"L smiled I little bit and we stopped at some stone stairs.

"Why are we stopping?" You asked out of pure curiosity.

"You see, the steps here are very wet, I'd hate it if you slipped. So I just wanted to do this"

"Do what-ARGH L PUT ME DOWN" L picked me up bridal style and carried me up the stairs.

"L! Why are you carrying me?" I struggled to get out of his grasp.

"I don't want you to slip and fall"

"I'm pretty capable of walking!" I pouted.

He put me down when the stairs ended, we stopped at a stone bridge.

"Follow me" L grabbed my hand and walked me to the centre of the bridge.

"Look there" L pointed behind us.

I turned around and saw a waterfall. It was gorgeous... The way the water came down effortlessly as it fell into the lake bellow was simply satisfying.

"Do you like it?" L asked.

"I think it's beautiful" I stared at the waterfall in amazement.

"I'm glad you like it"

"I'm glad you brought me here" I admitted.

"Well let's go, do you want to go to a cafe?" L asked for my opinion.

"Yeah, let's go" I walked beside L and he put his hand in mine.

~at the cafe~

We sat down at a table at the back of the cafe, beside a window.

A female waiter came over to us and decided to take our order.

"Hello, can I take your order?" She asked politely.

"we will have two cups of tea, each one with seven sugars. And a (F/C)" L ordered kindly.

What about his cake? Or my cake? I don't know if that cake is for him or not...

"of course, I will be back shortly" she then left.

"(F/N), what do you think of Mello, Matt and Near? I want to choose one of them I be my successor" L mentioned casually.

Are you serious? I'm practically one if the best detectives beside L! Isn't he going to take me into consideration?

"Um.... near.... I suppose" I said whilst looking out the window, "but why do you need a successor?" I asked.

"Kira is most likely going to consider murdering me soon, and I want someone to be my-"

I slammed my fists down on the table "don't even think about dying by his hands! You are not going to die Lawliet! I will make sure I die before he even gets to you!" I growled.

"Face it (F/N), he is going to kill me soon, and I need someone to carry on the case when I'm gone... Someone fully capable with the responsibility of being the new L"

He sighed and sat back down. There was no changing his mind. So what am I suppose to do?

"I'm back with your order!" The waitress placed down the two cups of tea and a cake in the centre "enjoy" she went to another table to serve.

L picked up the fork and took a piece if cake on it, and as usual, he held out the fork for me to take a bite.

I chuckled and we shared the cake before returning back to Wammie's.

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