Chapter 4

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Lights POV

Shinigami eyes?

How does she have them? She doesn't have a death note, she said she only knew about death notes because of Ryuk and if she would need a death note to have a Shinigami exchange half your lifespan for the eyes.... So How?...

"How do you have the Shinigami eyes without a death note?" I asked her.

"Only three questions, Light" she smiled and giggled sinisterly.

I frowned. Does Ryuk know?

I heard the front door of the house open and close, dad, mum and Sayu must be home.

"Do you want to stay for dinner" I asked her. I want to learn more about her, she has me interested in her, I must admit....

Your POV

"Do you want to stay for dinner" he asked.

I pause for a moment as I thought for an excuse.

"Nah, I have to get back to ryuzaki, I just got out of the asylum, so I can't go out much" I explained with a terrifying grin.

He nodded, was he.... Disappointed?

"I understand" he muttered.

He walked me down the stairs and took me to the living room.

"Dad, Lolli here has to go back home, is it okay if you drive her there?" Light said to his father.

Lolli? Where has that came from? Hah, he still doesn't know my name.

"Of course"he stood up "where did the name Lolli come from?" He chuckled and the three of us walked to the car. I sat in the back and light and Chief Yagami had shotgun.

"She has a lollipop in her mouth, so that's my nickname for her, Lolli" light explained.

Mr Yagami started the car engine.

"Is it okay if you come back tomorrow or in two days? Since you didn't he to help Sayu with homework." The chief said to me.

I nodded with a smile which looked slightly insane. I'm going to need to act friendly, otherwise the chief could find out that I'm from the asylum.... I wasn't even suppose to be let out for another 10 years!

~time skip~

I knocked on the apartment door and Watari answered.

"Hello miss (F/N)" the old man said as he lead me into the living room and gestured for me to sit down.

"you came back just in time for dinner, what would you like?"

You stood up and showed him what you wanted.

"Cake?..... Huh, your just like ryuzaki" he chuckled.

I went to sit back down at the sofa. A few minutes later, Watari came back with my cake.

The cake was a chocolate cake, the icing with thick and tasty and it was covered in gooey, chocolate sauce.

"Would you like a drink?" He asked.

I nodded and he exited the room, only to come back with a cup of tea, a spoon, and a box of sugar cubes.

I picked up 10 sugar cubes and dropped them into my cup, I then stirred the sugar into my tea. I took a sip and savoured the feel of the hot, sweet liquid traveling down my throat.

The man chuckled before leaving me alone in the room. I slowly ate the chocolate cake, I haven't eaten something this nice in the asylum. So I savoured the flavour.

I took the last bite of the chocolate cake and took the last sip of tea. I sat back into my usual slouched position and stared at my hands.

These hands kill.

"I see you enjoyed the cake" a familiar, monotone, deep voice spoke.

I nodded, not caring who was watching me eat, I have done things much creepier.

"I have a few questions to ask you, I hope you don't mind me asking them" the raven haired man said as he took a seat across from me.

I nodded again, I gave him a wicked smile.

"Why we're you put into the asylum?" He asked nonchalantly.

I did a scary laugh "murder.... Apparently I was so insane after the incidents that I was put into the asylum. Also, they believed I was making up the fact that I can see Shinigami" I did another insane giggle.

He nodded and asked another question "how can you see Shinigami?" He raised an eyebrow.

"That's confidential" I tilted my head to the side "L".

His eyes widened, but his face remained emotionless "Ah, the documents were right then, you are reasonably intelligent, you weren't suppose to know that I was L until it was proven that you could be trusted"

I smirked "your alias it L, but your name is Lawliet, you're known as the worlds greatest detective. You are known to solve any crime you have been given, however...."

He just raised an eyebrow for me to continue

"However, if you, L, are so intelligent, then why has a 'reasonably' smart girl already solved the Kira case?" My smirk grew wider and I did a sickening cackle.

"Do you have evidence of who you think Kira is?"

"Obviously, I don't just assume things L" I stood up and walked over to the door which split up the corridor and living room.

"But L, remember my next words" I said as I clutched the door-knob with my hand.

I turned to face him "sometimes being insane helps in this world" I turned back towards the door and shut it behind me as I walked into the corridor.

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