Chapter 36

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Your POV

I decided that I would soon bring an end to Kira, but the best way on how to was currently unknown to me. I have notes of all the evidence and I have made it as believable as possible. I just need to make a plan and put it Into action.

Or Should I just sit back and see what L can do? I don't want to mess with fate, but maybe the path I choose is the best future? I'm intelligent and good at many things, but telling the future isn't one of them.

I sigh as I lay back in my office chair, I stare at the ceiling. I can't choose, so I will flip a coin.

Heads, I will watch what L can do.

Tails, I will end it now, and change the future.

I grab a 10p and flip it.

Tails. I will solve it now.

I grab my microphone, laptop and a few other bits and bobs. I begin recording.


"L, check the news, there is a video from X" Watari said to me over the phone.

I switched on the TV and watched.

"I am X. The worlds true greatest detective. I have solved the Kira case, and it will soon come to an end. So, Kira, I suggest you stop what you are doing now before something bad happens. Who knows, maybe you will be the next one dead"

My, my... X's successor is quite cocky, it remind me of (F/N)... She was competitive and cocky.... In the best way...

"L, X has sent a video to you, I suggest you watch it" Watari informed.

I opened my laptop and watched the direct video.

"L, tomorrow at 8:00. I want you and your chosen successor to meet me at the abandoned warehouse. There is something I wish to tell you" the video ended.

Huh... I guess we will be meeting soon.

Light's POV

I got a message of (F/N).


(F/N): hey light! Tomorrow do you wanna come over to my apartment? I wish to take you somewhere, as friends, bring Misa too, I miss having a fun, relaxing day out with you both!

Light: sure, what time?

(F/N): 7:30am

Light: of course. I will see you then.

End of messages

Why so early? Well, I won't judge. She has insomnia from what I've heard so I guess she can be impatient. But I'm curious on where she wants to take me.

Your POV

Everything is falling into place. I will set up speakers in the warehouse so I can speak from a different room. Then I will reveals myself as the 'deceased' (F/N) and arrest Kira. Simple. Well, as simple it can sound...

L is likely to suspect something, although I have tried to hide all evidence of me being alive. Also, Light is going to realise what is going on as soon as he sees L in the warehouse with him. And Misa still has the Shinigami eyes, I'm going to have to kill her. And even then, Rem will probably kill me after I murder Misa, which is a 50% chance. Although, I'm willing to take that risk.

All of this just to protect L huh? Well, I must be pathetic for falling in love...

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