Chapter 14

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Your POV

The moon was up up in the sky, illuminating the atmosphere outside. And currently, in with L and the hospital.

"So the doctors think stress was the only cause?"light asked his father as mr Yagami was resting in the hospital bed.

"Yeah, it seems I have been pushing myself a bit to hard lately" Soichiro muttered weakly.

"Indeed, it must've added to your stress knowing that Light was a suspect in this investigation" L said calmly.

"You actually told my father that?" Light said shocked.

"Yep! Intact, we had told him everything, it's the he even knows that he is L" I said, trying not to release an insane giggle of mine infront of the chief.

"Oh mr Yagami,"

"Yes, L?"

"As you know, this is miss Konami, she is helping with the Kira case as informed. However, she is X" L told the chief.

Light looked gobsmacked.

"That is correct, this man is L, and this lady, is X, they are the worlds greatest detectives" Soichiro choked out, "We just give them aliases to protect their identities. But make no mistake, they are who they say they are"

"So, ryuzaki, Konami, have you cleared lights suspicion now you've had a chance to talk to him?"

"When we say we suspect him you should know it's very minor" L started.

"We have talked about this before but we will explain it again, not long ago Kira killed 12 FBI agents who had come to Japan to assist us, they were instructed to follow people connected to the Japanese police" I added.

"One of these agents, Raye Penber, exhibited unusual behaviour before he died" L finished.

"I understand" light said as he crossed his arms "an I was one of the people Raye was investigating before he died. It only makes sense I'd be a suspect" Light turned to face L "no, to be more precise, there is no-one else you could suspect"

~time skip~

Me, L and Light walked out of the hospital silently with our hands in our pockets.

"Ryuga and Konami, what woul it take to make you believe that I am not Kira?" Light asked as we all stopped "please! Isn't there something?"

"If you aren't Kira then it wouldn't be necessary" L said.

"But things run their course and the truth will be revealed" I added.

"I can't take this anymore!put yourself in my position! How do you think it feels to be accused of being Kira?!" Light said loudly.

"It feels like one of the worst feelings ever" L sad calmly.

"What I you were to lock me up for a month in a place with no TV or any other kind of access to the outside world and keep a constant watch over me?" Light suggested.

"That's no good, I can't do anything that would deprive you of basic human rights, furthermore, it's complete nonsense for two investigators to take suggestions from his suspect" I mumbled as I entered the car with L.

The two men carried on talking and I kept staring at the hospital......





Ugh my head.....

I'm in a white hospital room.

A brown haired boy and a White haired boy are set beside me with tears in there eyes. They then looked at me with hopeful expressions on their faces.

"(F/N)! Your awake! We were so worried....we thought we wouldn't get so say goodbye!" The boy with brown hair gripped my hand gently as he sobbed.

"We are glad you are okay
(F/N)! The doctor said that there was a 60% chance of you not surviving!" The white haired boy informed me.

"I'm sorry.... Who are you?" I muttered.

~end of flashback~

Instantly, questions began running through my head.

Weren't they the boys in my previous flashback? Mihael and Nate? What happened in the hospital? I don't understand!

"Are you okay, X? You have been awfully quietly recently" L looked outside of the window.

"It's the flashbacks, I've had 3 so far....."

"Please, do tell me, we could find out people from your childhood, they could give us information about you" L said.

"Well.... The first flashback was at the tennis court"

"What about it?"

"That was when I remembered about me being in the top five British annual tennis match. I was against a girl called.... Caroline? Yeah.... I won 1st place and then I had a second flashback near the cherry blossom trees..."

"What happened then?"

"I was in a park full of cherry blossom trees with two boys, one I believe was called Mihael, and the other was Nate...."

L seemed to have tensed up when you mentioned their names "carry on"

"They were saying stuff about getting back to Watari otherwise we'd be late, and I had my 3rd flashback at the hospital just now" I added.

"Explain" he said.

"I was in the hospital again. And the same to boys were sat beside me crying and telling me that they were worried and were afraid that they wouldn't be able to say goodbye..... But I didn't remember them...." I trailed off into thought.

"Interesting....I think I know these two boys, in sure you will meet them during the investigation" L muttered as he out his thumb to his lips.

I nodded and we soon arrive back at the apartment.

~in the apartment~


"Hello N" I said through the phone.

"Good evening L, for what reason is it that you are calling me at 11:30pm?" Nate said through the phone.

"Do you remember X from the Wammy's house?" I asked.

"..." he paused "if course I do, what about her?"

"I believe that I have her with me, she suffered from amnesia before leaving to Japan am I correct?"


"Well, I will call M about this tomorrow, don't mention this to anyone" I informed him.

"If course, L, I look forward for hopefully seeing you in the future"

"As expected. I'm looking forward for meeting you too, stay safe, N"

"You too"

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