Chapter 7

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(F/B) is favourite band
(F/D) is favourite drink
(F/S) is favourite song

Your POV

I picked up my phone and a bluetooth speaker and started blasting (F/B). I ran the shower water and it started pouring from the shower head. I adjusted the dial so then the shower water was just the right temperature. I stripped from my oversized pyjamas and stepped into the shower cubicle, letting the warm, transparent water hit my body. I dampened my hair and squeezed the 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner into my hand, I lathered it into my hair, before rinsing it, so then it was clean.

~time skip because I'm sure you don't want to read a shower tutorial XD~

After my shower, I dried my hair and put it into a messy bun. I decided to wear black skinny jeans and an oversized, (F/C) jumper. I also wore (F/C) socks and black converse.

I casually hummed 'to the end' by my chemical romance whilst walking into the kitchen.


I made some toast and sat at the table by the kitchen, I sat down with a glass of (F/D) and bit into my toast.

I felt a presence behind me, but me being me, I knew who it was.

"Having fun watching me eat, L?" I joked.

"Ah yes, it's very entertaining" he sat opposite me with a bowl of cereal.

"What were you humming before?" He questioned casually, keeping his state on me.

"A song" I smirked and chuckled crazily myself.

He just looked at me with his big eyes and carried on eating whilst I unintentionally starting humming 'to the end' by my chemical romance once again.

"You know, (F/N), it's very rude to mock someone's question just to start teasing them about it afterwards" Lawliet teased.

"If it's bothering you so much, Mr Detective, I'm humming to the end, happy?"

He nodded with a tiny smile and began finishing his cereal.

~time skip~

"(F/N)?" L said.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Mr Yagami phoned me up"


"He wants you to help his son with something, he wanted to ask for both of our permission for him to come over" L explained.

"But he wanted me to help his daughter with homework today, an he said his son is fully capable of-"

"His issue might not be academical" L suggested.

I sighed and shrugged "I'm fine with him coming over, he isn't a that bad"

"Okay, I will inform him now"

~time skip again....~

I was sat on my bed on my laptop scrolling mindlessly through the internet. I had my laptop Infront of me, a slush on the left side of the laptop, and on the right side of the laptop, I had a packet full of lollipops and random sweets.
I also had my phone beside me and I had my earphones plugged in, listening to (F/S).

I only just heard a knock on the door due to how loud my music was.

"Come in" I muttered, not taking my eyes off the laptop screen.

"Hey, Lolli" a familiar voice said.

I looked up and saw light, standing by my bedroom door with a backpack on one shoulder with his hands in his pockets.

"Ah, yes, I was informed that you were coming over today" I shut my computer and placed it on my bedside table, "So what's up Yagami?" I chuckled.

"I need your opinion on something's" he sat on the edge of my bed.

"Opinion on what?" I asked casually as I stuck a lollipop in my mouth.

"I met this person and-"

"Awwww, have you found yourself a boyfriend?" I did my insane giggle and smile.

"What? No! What makes you say that?"

"'Yagami' backwards is spelt: 'I'm a gay', it was just a suggestion!" I stated.

He sighed "let's just get to the point, I met a girl. She likes me, but I don't like her, but I need her to think that I like her because I can use her for something important" he explained.

"You're a dick" I chuckled.


"Your a dick, you asshole."


"You can't just use someone because it's important. But, I have no reason not to help. So carry on"

"Well, I want to know what stuff to get her and how to romantically treat her. And I was thinking, since your a girl, I decided I could ask you how I should treat a girl and-"

"You do realise I've been in an asylum for 6 years and for a 'romantic gift' I would happily accept a blood-stained box with a hobo's limb inside it right?" I raised an eyebrow.

"In regretting this already...." I heard in mutter.

"I heard that imagay!" I mocked with a smirk.

He growled and carried on.

"Can you at least just come out shopping with me and try to help?"

"You must be desperate if your asking a criminally insane psychopath for romantic shopping advice, but sure I'll come" I agreed.

"Great, then let's get going" he was about to leave but I stopped him.

"Wait, I need to get ready"

"But you'll take foreverrrr" he whined.

"No I won't" I said as I opened my wardrobe.

I picked up a black backpack and began packing some random stuff to take with me. The essentials really. I put two bags of lollipops in the bag, my phone and laptop, some money, and a pocket knife.

"Kay, I'm ready"

Light just shook his head and smiled slightly.

"RYUZAKI IM GOING SHOPPING WITH LIGHT" I shouted before I slammed the door of the apartment. I then started making my way out of the apartment with Light.

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