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Warnings: Swearing.

First Person

I woke up to blackness, a heavy cloth was over my eyes. I tried to scream for help but a dried out gag settled in my mouth. White hot pain flashed through my body. I whimpered in pain. How could this morning be so peaceful and I end up here. By the dried cloth in my mouth, it had been longer than a day. I felt rough fingertips tracing my skin of my arms.

"Hello Y/n." This man's voice was thick and raspy. How did he know my name? "So I am going to remove that rag from you, and we are going to ask you a few questions."

He moved the rag and I couldn't help but a coughing fit rise. I felt restraints on my wrists and ankles. I knew I was sitting in a chair.

"We will start easy."

"Who's we?" I tried hard to strengthen my voice but it only came out shaky and weak.

"You aren't asking the questions!" He yelled and I heard his voice echo against the walls. I focused all my senses onto hearing. I heard soft footsteps and squeaky wheels against the floor.

"Where are the Winchesters?" Another voice questioned. His voice was deep. Winchesters?

"Winchesters? The only last name that is close to that is Warren. I don't know any Winchesters." My voice crumbled in fear. I tried so hard to stay strong. I felt a blade on my arms breaking the surface of my skin. I screamed in agony.

"Liar! Where are the Winchesters?"

"I don't know!" I screamed and felt a fist collide with my cheek. I felt dizzy and nothing was going to help. I felt my muscles relax as I fell into further darkness.


I woke up. I heard the two deep voices scream in agony. I had a gag in my mouth again. I heard heavy footsteps and I tried wiggling out of my restraints.

"Dean start the car." A voice said.

My gag was removed. I could taste the familiar metallic taste of copper. My blood dripped from my mouth.

"Please.... Don't ..... Hurt me." I struggled out. A hand removed my blindfold and I blinked trying to adjust to the light.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I am here to help. Can you stand?" I was still adjusting to the light. Once I could see again, I saw a man knelt in front of me untying my legs. He had long brown hair and hazel eyes.

"I don't know."

"My name is Sam Winchester and my brother is Dean."

"I'm y/n l/n. Wait- Winchester, they were looking for you." He laughed. Were these criminals!

"Yeah, these type of things come after us."

"Things?" This guy is crazy.

"Look I can explain later but for now we need to get you some help." I nodded and tried to stand. I could, but I was worried about falling over. I tripped a couple of times before getting a hang of it. I had my arm hung over his shoulders for support. Sam helped me into the back of the car. It was a slick black Impala. It was quite a beauty.

"At least I am being kidnapped again in a nice car." I muttered. 'Dean' heard me.

"You're not being kidnapped for one. Two, isn't she?" He smirked in the rearview mirror.

"I have a 70' Firebird at home." I smiled and Sam looked back at me. We held each others eyes for a moment before I looked away blushing. I repositioned my bruised arm. I leaned my head on the window. I watched as the unfamiliar trees flew by. I wasn't in the same state at all. I lived in Arizona. We don't have this many trees.

"What state are we in?"

"Maine, why?" Dean asked.

"And what is the date?"

"October 3rd." Sam answered.

"Why?" Dean asked again.

"Because I was in Arizona 5 days ago. That was the last thing I remembered." I saw the boys glance at each other.

"Was anyone else there?"

"Yes, but they were killed. I remember their screams of pain. Oh and uh... Thanks for saving me." I smiled at them. My eyes started to flutter shut and darkness overwhelmed me.


I woke up in a bed. I jolted up instantly regretted when pain flashed through my body. I saw Sam sitting on the bed as well, watching TV. I ran a hand on my stomach when I felt a couple of bumps. I revealed my stomach which had stitches in it. I looked up and down my body. Most of the cuts didn't have stitches, just a couple did.

"I am certainly glad this wasn't a dream." I muttered.

"No this is real." Sam laughed.

"So what are these things after you?"

"You would think we were crazy."

"Try me."

"Demons, monsters anything supernatural."

"Is it better than the FBI after you. I was kind of afraid you were criminals." I smiled at him and he chuckled.

"Kind of. You are taking this quite well, with the whole supernatural deal."

"Well, I kind of believed in them when I was little. And some Texas ranger was in Arizona investigating a friend's disappearance. It wasn't normal that was for sure."

"Texas Ranger? Garth?"

"That name rings a bell." I laughed. "Since you knew him, that might be why I was questioned about you guys."

"Yeah..." He trailed off. I don't know if it was in the heat of the moment but I kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands found my hips instantly. We were interrupted by an awkward coughing.

"Man, you guys just went for it, huh?" Dean smirked and I blushed different shades of pink. I looked back at Sam and shrugged. He was my savior.

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