Monster Under the Bed

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Warnings: threatening? Child!Dean

Third Person

Dean was sound asleep, after a full night of watching Sammy, he needed it. A slight rustling woke him up. He sat up wearily and looked around seeing the motel door open just a crack. He swung his legs over the bed looking outside before closing the door. His younger brother sound asleep in the other bed.

More rustling as a shadow moved across the room and underneath the bed. Dean grabbed John's shotgun, he aimed it at the floor.

"Come out of there. I know you are there." He states. His voice cracking with slight fear. You crawled out, steadily and carefully. He raised the gun and clenched his jaw.

"P-please don't shoot." You muttered raising your hands. You kept your head bowed.

"Look at me." Dean stated strongly.

You faced him and looked up into his eyes. Your own glowing bright blue.

"What are you?"

"I- I don't know, no one told me. Please I just needed somewhere warm to stay."

His hands faltered slightly. He moved closer. Truth was, he didn't know what to do. He didn't want to disappoint John but you seemed harmless. Light blue scales littered your skin in random splotches.
He looked out the window see the Impala gone. He turned back around, "if my dad comes back, I don't know what he will do."

"I can stay under the bed, and come out when he isn't around. I really don't want to go back into the cold and rain." You stated and looked up at him.

"Do you have a name?"

"No but I heard of a name, Y/n. I really like it. What's your name?"

"Dean. You can stay the night." He walked over to the small closet and pulled a blanket out. He handed it to you and you gladly accepted it. You wrapped it around yourself and slid under the bed.

"Thank you Dean." You whispered and fell into a deep slumber in warmth.


You saw their dad standing outside helping Sam with his small bag. Dean looked through the window, you waved before sneaking out. John got in the front seat and you easily go in through Sam's door in the back seat. Sam smiled, you grew quite fond of the brothers. Dean didn't know you snuck in, only Sam knew. And for a while you kept tagging along. Until one unfateful night, Dean left with his brother and Sam without giving me a notice.

It sucked, you haven't seen him since.


You walked through the woods until you found a building. It look small and compact but it would work for the night.

You slipped in and walked down the steps. You abilities grew, you were able to quietly move without sound. Shift your body wait and defy gravity.

You also learned how to breathe underwater. Two voices echoed throughout the room. You walked along the wall and onto the ceiling. You peaked over the arch to see two very large men. You clicked your tongue and they both froze. One reached for a gun underneath the table, his hair was shaggy and brown.
I crawled on the ceiling and watched as they moved slowly around. The shorter of the two lead you to a room firearms lining the wall, you quickly moved down the wall and under the bed.

He moved closer and you reached a hand out.

"Please don't shoot, I only mean peace" you stated and slowly moved out. You crossed your legs and looked up at him. Your bright glowing eyes meeting olive green ones.

"What the hell are you?" He grumbled and kept his stance.

"Mermaid hybrid. And you are a hunter, obviously, but those eyes I could never forget. Dean Winchester, its me Y/n." You stood up and smiled softly. His gun faltered for only a second before he clenched his jaw.

"How come I don't remember you?"

"You were only in fourth grade Dean. I snuck into your motel, because of the cold and rain. Now I am doing it again because I am a freak of nature." His gun loosened and he pointed it away.

"Wow, I can't believe this."

"C'mon Deano you can't ditch me that easily." You smile and giggle. The corner of his lip turned up and grinned.

His arms wrapped around me tightly. His breath almost ragged.

"I missed you so much. Dad just drove us away with him. I should have taken you along." You pulled away and smiled softly.

"It is okay now, we finally met up again. I have so much more abilities. I know who I am, things are great. The only bad part is that I am a money and nothing will change that."

"Hey not all monsters under the bed are bad." He smiles softly down at you.

"Can I stay the night?"

"You can stay here forever if you really wanted too." His eyes glistened with hope. You nodded and said your thanks.

"I would love that Dean."

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