Wrong Decision

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Warnings: The apocalypse? Swearing, mention of suicide, angst.

First Person

The apocalypse has been the biggest challenge the Winchesters have ever faced. Dean is Michael's vessel and Sam is Lucifer's. They are supposed to battle it out but we weren't going to let that happen.

A 1967 Chevy Impala cruises down the highway with three men in jt.The man in the leather jacket, with the short spiky hair. That is my boyfriend, or was.... We will get to that later. That giant Sasquatch in the passenger seat, That is Sam Winchester, my best friend. Lastly there is that awkward man in the trench coat, that is Castiel. He is an angel of the Lord.

Oh. Right I'm not there, because my asshole of my boyfriend left me at a fucking airport! Left me behind with no fucking answers to what was happening or what will happen. Only that didn't go as planned, I am now trapped in this white and gold room by the one and only dickhead of an angel, Zachariah. My lip busted and bleeding, my eye swollen and black. My stomach felt like it flooded itself with blood and a couple broken bones here and there.

Not that I have dealt with this before, with previous hunts, but I constantly coughed up blood and black substance. As I recall it, Zachariah gave me stage four lung cancer. What a dick. All the angels are the same besides Castiel, and Gabriel, he is pretty chill.

What makes this situation even worse, I'm bait, along with the Winchester's half brother Adam. Zachariah now gone, all I have is Adam to talk to.

"Didn't Sam and Dean warn you about angels?" I muttered and coughed violently.

"I was told not to trust them when I should have." He replied biting into his hamburger.

"I know we haven't really met. I'm Y/n, friend of your half brothers. I already know who you are from the ghoul that ate you. I'm very sorry about that." I whisper in a hoarse voice.


Hours seemed to have past, until the Winchesters finally showed. Adam was kneeling on the ground coughing up blood. Sam laid in the corner spewing blood as well. Never once did Dean's eyes reach mine. He ignored my existence. I should have known better from what happened at the airport.


"Dean! You can't just leave me here and expect me to get on that plane without you!" I say throwing my duffle back into the Impala. He took it out quickly and growled.

"Don't you get it, I don't want you here anymore!" He yelled with fury.

"Don't you dare say that to me when you don't mean it." My voice just above a whisper. "Don't you dare ever fucking say that to me."

"But its true, I don't feel anything for you anymore, I don't love you Y/n." He got into Baby and drove off to wherever the fuck he wanted to. Anger boiled in my veins. He didn't mean it, he couldn't have been serious. Right?


Everyone but Adam left that room. Adam was trapped by the archangel, Michael. That poor soul.

Sam got into the Impala and as he wiped his mouth of any blood.

"Y/n-" Dean started but I held my hand up.

"I know, I will show myself out. Thanks." I reply and make my way to the door, not looking back.

One Year Later....

I heard about everything, starting with Dean going 'suicidal' and saying yes to Michael, which never happened. To Sam saying yes to Lucifer and being dragged down the fiery pit of hell. I searched for Dean until I finally found him with his ex-girlfriend. Not me for say, but Lisa Braedon. I looked into the dining room window, as Lisa sat down with a full plate. Ben sitting across from Dean as they enjoyed their meal. I looked up beside me as Sam stared at the now happy family.

"Sam, can we go please. This hurts, not that you would understand at all with being soulless but I still have mine. Can we go?" I say and he nods silently walking down the sidewalk with me on his tail. I made a big mistake leaving that warehouse before Dean could say anything. And I knew it would be an even bigger one to talk to Dean when he finally got out of the hunting life. Guess I could just be a grown ass woman and deal but everywhere I saw him. No matter where I was, it felt like he was there with me. I would always check to be sure only to be more disappointed each time.

Unfortunately, the fight continues, even if it may be just Sam and I. We can handle almost anything now until Dean popped up back in our lives.

"How long have you been walking around?" Dean asks suddenly as he sits up in bed.

"A year." I answered for Sam.

"I wasn't talking to you." Dean growled and I instantly shrunk back in my spot.

"Don't talk to her like that." Sam commanded tensing every muscle that was visible to the human eye. Sam and I have grown closer somewhat. I always saw him as a brother but maybe he thought different. I caught myself staring at him and I shook the thoughts away.

No way could he feel that way.

Dean was taken aback to Sam's reaction as his jaw dropped a little, leaving his mouth agape. Holy crap! Is Dean actually scared of his younger brother. This had to be good.

I left it very open ended because I wanted to know if anyone wanted this story to continue?

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