Long Time No See

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Sam×Reader (Platonic mostly)

Warnings: slight swearing.

First Person.


God school sucked sometimes. I walked down the hallway noticing nothing new. Except him. There stood a kid by his locker, avoiding everyone else. He had shaggy brown hair and wore a grayish jacket. He was new, awesome. Everyone else here can go shove their heads up their asses for all I care. I walked to my locker which was only a few feet away from his.

"Hi, my name is Y/n L/n." I greeted and he gave me a crooked smile. Shy, seems to be afraid, I studied his form.

"Sam Winchester." He said back avoiding my eyes.

"Why are you scared?" I said stepping closer.

"What? I'm not scared." He scoffed and I giggled.

"Your slouching form, eyes contact, and tapping fingers tell me otherwise. If you don't like anyone here, join the club. They are a bunch of assholes anyway." I explained and he laughed.

"Just hate moving schools, hate being the new kid." He mumbled.

"Well after for ever how long you are here, you would want to leave this place. It isn't the best to be around here." The bell rung and we said our goodbyes as we separated to our own schedules.


Over the past two weeks, have been wonderful. I finally had a friend that understood what I did. Just not the hunting part. My family has been hunters since my dad was taken by a couple vampires. That was 16 years ago before I was born. I was still in my mothers womb to know what happened.



I snuck around the corner and positioned my gun arm lengths away from me. Creaking and heavy boot steps echoed through the warehouse.

"Might as well come out now, we could be doing this for a while." A deep voice said. I climbed up a couple boxes to get to some pipes. I climbed up further and balanced myself on the piping to get a better look. A dark figure lurked with his pistol in front of him. He was definitely taller than me. By like maybe a foot. I jumped from pipe to pipe until I was over him. He stopped and listened and I controlled my breathing to steady whisps. I put the gun into the holdster and jumped down behind him.

With a kick of my foot, into the crook of his knee, he fell down. The gun slid across the ground away from him. I quickly grabbed it and aimed it at his head.

"Your not a monster?" He questioned and I kept the gun trained on him.

"Stay on the ground." Not enough light could show him my face.

"Look, you must be a hunter, I am too. Just put down the gun so we can talk." He pleaded and I threw him a silver knife. "Really?"

"I can't trust anyone anymore. Cut yourself." I say watching the knife slide across his skin. I pulled out holy water and splashed it on him. I discharged the gun and held out a hand to help him up.

He disregarded my hand and stood up grabbing his gun from my hands. The moon light hit his face perfectly to see his features.

"Sam?" I say and he tensed up. I step back into the sunlight and he relaxed.

"I'll be damned." He smiled. "Long time no see Y/n."

"Too long. You definitely are a lot taller than I remember." A smirk playing on my lips.

"Well you haven't grown since I last saw you." I punch his arm.

"We should get out of here. Maybe catch up a bit. Drinks will be on me." I offer and he nods.

"That would be great." He replied.

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