Marks Upon My Skin

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Warnings: swearings, fluff.

First Person

I look down at the water droplets on my skin. I had scars up and down my body. These marks showed up when our other half would get hurt or marked. A towel clad around my body with my hair soaked. I felt tickling on my forearm and when I looked down I saw black ink showing an address. I quickly found a marker and wrote underneath the address.


I waited until I felt more tickling against my hand.


I giggled a little.

'My name is Y/n. You must be my soulmate.'

'I'm Sam'

The marks stayed for a while until it finally washed away. Sam and I have been talking for a while, sharing poems, song lyrics, anything to get to know each other.

'Will we meet someday?'

'I promise"

'Pinky promise?'

The next mark was a drawing of a hand with the pinky out, I smiled and washed it away.


Everyday, every single day, we talked through markers, pens, and sharpies. And each and every day I drew a heart on the back of our hands. A knock on the door interrupted my thought process. I discarded my book and stood from the couch. I made my way to the front door and opened it. Two, very tall men stood in front of me in their suits. They held up their badges, showing them as agents.

"Hi, I am Agent Smith with my colleague Agent Smith, no relation. We were hoping you had some time to talk about Ms. Felder's recent death." The shorter one of the two introduced.

"Sure, come on in, would you. Like any drink or something to eat. I just baked a fresh pie this morning so it should be cooled off for the most part." I could have sworn I saw the shorter one gleam at the mention of pie. I smiled as the taller agent glared at his colleague.

"No thank you, we are fine. Now Ms. Y/l/n, did you know Ms. Felder's?" He asked sitting down at the dining room table.

"Well everyone knew her, she was the sweetest woman in this town. I heard the news of her passing. What a tragedy." I looked down at the table breathing out slowly.

"She was your neighbor, if that is correct. Did you hear anything last night, smell anything out of the ordinary?" The shorter agent asked and I looked up, my eyes widening a bit. They obviously took notice. "As federal agents, you do have to tell us if you sensed anything."

"I didn't hear anything but I distinctly remember a strong rotten egg smell, kind of like sulfur I guess. But when I went to give her the Sunday paper, her house was spotless. The only thing weird was..." I trailed of shivering at the memory. "She was nailed to the ceiling. No blood dripped onto the floor, no wounds that I saw. As a nurse, I can usually pick up on things but what that was, wasn't natural."

I studied the men before me when I caught glimpse of the taller ones hand.

"Sam?" I looked up at him and he flinched before his eyes dropped to the drawing of the heart. I heard a click under the table and the agent glared at me.

"How do you know him?" He asked. I slowly rolled up my long sleeves showing the same heart on the back of my hand.

"Because Sam is my other half." I say keeping my eyes on Sam. I smiled and studied him deeply. "You are ten times hotter than I could ever imagine. I was always worried that my soulmate would be some kind of sociopath." I chuckled and he smiled.

"I never would have thought that you were my soulmate, the name was familiar but we never shared last names. But it worked out in the end I guess." The other agent was just completely and utterly confused.


So the next couple of months have been rough. When I was given the whole, 'what hides in the dark' lecture, I thought he was actually a psychopath, but it is all real. I sort of got the hang of it, Sam helped me move into the bunker and I helped stitch up wounds and take care of any necessity needed. Dean loved my baking skills, he was like my brother. I still can't believe that this all started with marks upon my skin.

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