Demon Problem

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Warnings: swearing, there is others but I don't want to spoil it.

Second POV

"Meg, what the hell are you doing?" Dean asked holding Ruby's knife tightly.

"Clarence here, said you need a little help." She said and you scoffed. God
you hated her. Castiel and you have been dating for the past year and a half now, but since she was always around him, your self confidence decreased a lot.

Sam pulled you aside and stopped. "What is the problem now?"

"She is Sam! Cas doesn't see that she is a manipulative black eyed bitch!"

"Is this a fight between you and Castiel?"

"More like me against Meg. I don't understand, what could I possible do wrong to make him go to her?" You asked sadly, does he not love you anymore.

"Look we will figure it out later but we have to get to Crowley first. Can you do that?"

"Yeah." You mumbled.

"Good, we will figure it out okay. I promise." Sam smiles and pats your shoulder before returning to the others.


You were falling behind a bit and when you reached to the others you stopped instantly. Cas had Meg against the wall, kissing her. Full lip contact and touching. Your eyes widened and you stepped back a couple steps until you heard a low growl. Before you could react, the hell hound pounced on you and started turning your torso into ribbons. A little scream for help escaped your mouth before blood pooled around your body.

The pain was subsiding and blackness overtook you. Dean shot the hell hound and Cas huddled over your body.

"(Y/n)? Please..." He trailed off. Meg smirked but it soon went away as quick as it came, when Sam glared at her.

"Dammit Cas! You should have been protecting her instead of getting all smoochy with the demon!" Dean roared not caring what the consequences.

"Aren't you going to revive her?" Sam asked tears filling his eyes. He lost his best friend.

"I can't she is too far gone." Cas bowed his head as a tears left his eyes.


Your body was wrapped in motel sheets and they found a spot in a field with enough tree cover. You were layed on top of the wood as Dean threw the lit matches. The fire went ablaze as the brothers stood in a short distance. Castiel watched as you burned, wishing he could go back. That would mess up fate though.

They walked away and the flames withered a little. The cloth now black and charred. You claw at the blackening cloth and fight your way out. Once torn, you stand from your burning funeral.

"How did I not burn?" You ask yourself.

"You are one of us." An English accent said behind you. You turned to see Crowley standing with a smirk on his lips.

"A lot of evil in you, you would be surprised. Most of it was something I never seen before." He put his hands in his pockets. "Blink for me, would you?"

You blinked and he smiled even wider. "Perfect." He mumbled.

"Let's find that angel of yours and pay him a little visit." Anger boiled in your veins, you remembered what he did. "You're fuming up, Love. Good, you will need it."

He disappeared and you followed him outside of the motel you were at before the hunt.

"I can't go in there but you can." Crowley disappeared again and I walked up to the door, breaking it with a snap of my fingers. The boys eyes widened and you ignored them moving towards Meg.

You flung her against the wall and Cas tried to stop you, resulting in him getting flung back as well.

"You don't get to touch him. Your nothing but a worthless bitch begging for attention!" You yelled at Meg.

"(Y/n) stop." Castiel said standing up from the floor.

"Why, don't want me to hurt your girlfriend. I saw you kiss her, dammit. I should have known that this was going to happen." Tears freely fell from your eyes. Sam grabbed your arm.

"You need to stop (Y/n). This isn't you." He said calmly.

"I can't. Sam, I told you this would happen, I knew it. What I didn't know is that it made me show my real colors." You laughed and felt a sharp pain in your shoulder.

"Devil trap carved into a bullet." Dean stated. Castiel stood in front of you.

"Kill me Cas, I knew you never loved me. I knew that bitch always came first. Please just kill me already." You begged.

"No, we are going to cure you. I can't kill you because I do love you, kissing Meg was the worst mistake I have ever made except letting you wander by yourself."

"Standing right here." Meg scoffed.

"Shut up Meg." You all said.

"Let us cure you." Sam said and you nodded. They pulled out the bullet from your shoulder and Meg disappeared.

"How did you get out of the wrappings?" Dean asked.

"Clawed until it broke." You answered. Cas grabbed your hand and squeezed lightly. You smiled, maybe this time things will be different.

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