Forbidden- Part 3

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Warnings: yelling, swearing.

First POV (Reader's)

Banging on the door echoed my room and I groaned not wanting to get out of the warmness of my bed.

"Princess, time to get up." Charlie yelled through the door. I opened my eyes and Dean was still asleep until she starting banging on the door again.

"What am I going to do?" He whispered.

"Get dressed, she won't come in without my permission." I stood up and the door creaked a bit before opening just a bit until I ran to it pressing my back against the door.

"Charlie, give me some time. Ugh- I need to get dressed." I said too quickly as Dean got into his armor.

"I will go get the others maids. I will be right back though." She said before I could here here shoes click on the hallway floor. I peeked my head searching the halls to see no one around.

"Do I get to see you soon?" I asked Dean when he stepped out into the hallway.

"You can count on it." He said giving a quick kiss on my cheek. He straightened up and left me gazing at his back. He gave me some virus that I couldn't seem to get rid of. Three maids and Charlie walked down to my room and I excused the other three.

"I saw the Dean Winchester walking away from your room, (Y/n)." She said a playful smirk on her lips.

"Hush now, no one can know." I chuckled a bit.

"What would your parents say? Doing the dirty with someone before marriage."

"Charlie! Nothing happened, just slept along with a couple kisses but that was it." She laughed.

"I am only kidding you. You are too sweet of a peach to do something like that."

"This stays between us though, okay?"

"Don't worry about it. After all, you didn't share my secret." Charlie spun around and picked out a dress.

"How about this one?" She asked and I nodded before I slipped it on, ignoring the corset. I wanted the ability to breathe today without a problem.


The day was spent sneaking around with Dean. We learned so much about each other and it was fantastic. It wasn't until supper that I was escorted once again by Dean. He even had dinner with us.

"So, you want to marry someone you love?" Ugh, here we go again. "Do you have an idea who the man is?" My father asked.

"Actually yes." I say not taking my eyes off Dean. Our eye contact was not breaking. Smirks and grins were passed as little mental notes of each other.

"Do we get to meet him at your birthday ball?" Mother asked.

"Yes, also can we invite the townspeople to the ball?" I asked curiously.

"Anything you want sweetheart." Dad said and we continued our meal as he told stories about Dean almost setting his hair on fire. The story was quite amusing and enjoyable. When dinner was over, we all moved to our next action to take place. I went to the castle's garden to look at the flowers and Dean joined me.

"Are you sure about this? I mean you are supposed to marry a prince." He said standing next to me.

"You are my prince, I think of it like this. Every little girl in each and every village is a princess. They don't need a prince to make them happy. A prince can love someone that isn't royalty and be fine but why can't I. I don't want a prince, I don't want to be a princess because any of those little girls could be queen, not me. I am not worthy to royalty, I am a disgrace to my name. I want a normal life not when everything is handed to me. I want to work for the stuff I can get. And I am working to get you, not a selfish prince to take my hand in marriage. I want you to take my hand in marriage, be my 'prince'." I stopped and took his hands in mine. "I want you, no matter what my father says." Dean smiled and caressed my cheek with his finger. I leaned into his touch and he leaned down to press a warm kiss to my lips.


A week now, and it was my birthday in two days. Everyone got an invitation to the ball and Dean and I only got closer. He was still hesitant but I had been oblivious about it. My father kept rambling about the guy that I have fallen in love with.

"Dad, what if he isn't a prince?" I asked him and he stopped smiling.

"Like a knight? That would be absurd. No offense Dean."

"None taken." Dean mumbled and thought to himself.

"What are you talking about young lady?" Dad questioned.

"What if I didn't want to marry a prince, and I wanted someone who I actually love." Mother was agreeing with me but my father could be stubborn sometimes.

"Well, he better know what could come. You are marrying a prince whether you like it or not. If you don't pick one out the night of the ball, I will and you will be married the next day!" He yelled.

"This isn't fair! You can't force me into a marriage!"

"I can and will! I am getting too old to continue. Someone needs to rule the kingdom and I am not letting some low life take over because of your recklessness." He finished with a slam of his fist on the table. I ran off and Dean was looking at the ground thinking to himself. I ran to my room slamming the doors.

"You son of a bitch! This is bullshit!" I yelled and screamed into my pillow. Two knocks on the door caught my attention. "Come in." I sat up as Dean walked into the room.

"Princesses shouldn't curse. It shows unruly behavior." Dean said not showing a bit of emotion. "Princesses marry princes and that is how it always will be. Your prince is out there and I am not him, it would be impossible."

"What are you saying?" I stood up tears streaking down my cheeks.

"This was a mistake, Princess. Everything we have done was a mistake because I never loved you." Yet again, no emotion or tone showing how he really felt.

"But the kiss, you didn't back away." I stuttered.

"That was the biggest mistake I have made. I should have never kissed you, or be in your presence. You are a princess and that is what you will be until you marry your king." He left the room without saying a goodbye and anger boiled within me. I walked out on the porch and stared at the stars above.

"Fine, if that is what you want. May my happiness never return as you took my heart Dean Winchester. Might as well draw a dagger through it and kill me now so I don't have to live the torture my father will set upon me. You are just afraid of what might happen if I had confessed to our love. Still feel nothing? I felt everything in every moment with you. Goodbye, Dean Winchester may I see you in Heaven." I stepped back inside and crawled into bed as tears continued to roll down my cheeks.

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