Dear Dean,

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Warnings; the length of this story, swearing, angst, death, disease, cheating, sadness. Wow season 12 spoilers

First Person

It all started six months ago. You had been married to Dean for a couple years. It was after the darkness had vanished. How I loved that man to the moon and back. The only issue is, we are trying for a baby. We agreed that I could stay home while he hunted with his brother and his mother. Not that trying for a bay is bad, but we have been trying for two years, and I always came out negative. Depression hit me hard, there had to be something wrong with my body.

I only felt a dull pain in my lower abdomen. It was only cramps, or that is what I thought. I chose not to go to the doctor, not until the pain progressively got worse. It would cost too much money that we didn't have.  That is when I found out about ovarian cancer. I was in stage two, the doctor talked on and on, explaining different kinds of treatments. Everything seemed to blur around me. I felt numb all over, how was I supposed to tell Dean? How do I tell him that I will never be able to have children?

Lastly, but not least, how was I supposed to find enough money to pay for treatment?

"Mrs. Winchester? If you go untreated, the cancer cells are spreading rapidly."

"How long can I go if untreated?"

"6 months at the most. I highly recommend that you get treated. I would hate to see anything happen to you." The doctor stated.

"Money is really tight, I stay home all day while my husband works small jobs across the country. I would like to chat with my husband before anything else happens." I stared at him.

"I completely understand Mrs. Winchester. Call whenever you want to set up your next appointment." I nodded in understandment.

Once I arrived back at the bunker, I heard  a woman's giggling in the hallway. I had also heard Dean's voice telling her to get ready for the best time of her life. My heart shattered instantly. My jaw quivered as I walked back out of the bunker. I sat in my car for about an hour until she left. I waited a little longer before I walked into the bunker. Sam and Mary were no where in sight.

I saw Dean, his bow legs perched on the tabletop.

"Hey baby, where have you been?"

"Oh Doctor's office, I wanted them to take a pregnancy test this time. I know I have tried all the other ones in CVS but I wanted a professional one, maybe increase the chances."

"And? Are you pregnant?" He asked. His voice rough.

"No, I uh-"

"Go figures. Well how could we mess up so something as much as sex!? It certainly isn't me! You know what, I'm going out for a drink." He yelled before standing up. He slammed the bunker door, making me jump. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I can't tell him not now.

Third Person

Time passed on, the pain grew rapidly. It hurt to breath or even eat. You never returned to the doctor, you never got treated. You told Dean you were aware of his affair. Ever since, he acted distant to you. He spent more time with that woman. You slept in your old, dusty room, every day of your last month. Dean didn't know about them. He may never find them if he even looked. Mary took notice of your state, you had stopped eating, your cheekbones were more prominent.

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