Trust Me, I Tried

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Warnings: slight angst, fluff.

Third Person

You held the more book in your hands, but your eyes were studying something else. He sat there so peacefully, as if he were reading something else besides the lore. You noticed his almost empty coffee mug and you instantly got up to refill it. Curse you high school crush on the Winchester.

"Thanks." The hunter stated, going back to reading. You smiled and sat back in your chair, studying his features more. Mary sat at the same table and instantly noticed how you acted around her son. She couldn't help the smile that graced her lips, knowing that was exactly how she felt when she first met John. To everyone else, you were tough and strong, which you were but you melted like putty around the Winchesters. One in particular.

Sam looked up and you quickly moved your eyes to the book, a blush creeping up your cheeks.

"You have been reading the same excerpt for an hour now, maybe you should go to sleep and get some shut eye." Sam didn't suggest, he commanded in a way.

"Yeah probably a good idea. Goodnight Sam, goodnight Mary." You stood up holding the book to your chest. You kept your head down as you exited the room. Mary stood and followed right behind you.

You walked into your room and dropped the book on the table. Sam always treated you like this but not to anyone else. Does he dislike you? What was his issue around you?

"Hey, I wanted to make sure your were okay, you seemed upset." A soft voice made you turn around to see Mary. You relaxed and sat on your bed.

"Yeah, I am just tired." You simply replied.

"I saw you staring at him, the way you made sure he had everything to make him happy." She slowly walked in and sat next to you.

"Mary, I love your son. I have been trying for years for him to notice me and even though I can't shake what I feel for him, I still follow him like a lost puppy. I know it isn't the best idea because of hunting But.... I don't know anymore." You dropped you head into your hands. A soothing hand rubbed your back.

"Have you told him?"

"I never know when a good time is."

"Well maybe you can try to-" she began.

"Trust me, I already tried. Many times, in fact. He always ignored me or moved to a different subject." Mary wrapped her arms around you and you leaned into her.


You stayed in bed the next morning, you figured staying away from him will make the stupid crush go away. At the same time, you couldn't stop daydreaming about him. You usually were up by now, making breakfast for the brothers.

Sam peeked into your room. His eyes landing on your form. Mary informed him about what had been going on, and he already knew he was hurting you. It was the only option to keep you away. He could have you end up like every other girl he has been with. He slowly entered you room, leaving a plate of food by your bed. You turned and saw him. He tensed and you smiled mentally.

"Thanks." You simply replied and turned back around, just like he had always done to you. He hated it, he didnt like that response but he knew he had done it to you for a long period of time. 

"Dean and Mom went out for a supply run, maybe we can do something together?" He proposed and you sat up stretching your arms above your head.

"I guess, but what, look for a new hunt?" You stated getting up. You walked past him and grabbed clean clothes.

"Well, uh- I was thinking, maybe a movie?" He questioned.

"Okay, just let me do my daily routine, then maybe we can watch a movie." You proposed and got together your outfit, ignoring the breakfast set on your night stand.


After everything was sorted out, you found Sam sitting on the couch. You sat next to him.

"Can I ask you something?" You asked.

"Go for it."

"Why do you pay attention to me now?"

"I realized I have been cruel. I needed to make up for my behavior." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "I owe you an apology, I should have never hurt you and actually.... I lo- like you a lot."

"I guess I like you too." You smiled and leaned your head on his shoulder.


Dean walking in and see you sleeping against his sleeping brother. He chuckled lowly and grabbed his phone to take a picture. Mary smiled softly and continued to the kitchen.

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