Just A Maid Part 4

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Warnings: spells, angst.

First Person

I practically ran after Sam. She has to be moving, I would hate myself if something happened to her. But there she laid. Her dress falling over the edge of the bed. Her head turned to the ceiling. Sam looked around the bed before holding up a small note. His eyes roamed the cloth before looking at me.

"Her time is ticking down, once the moon rises tonight she will no longer be breathing." He explained. "We have to figure this out fast. The only clue given is this;
I am just two and two. I am hot. I am cold.
I’m the parent of numbers that cannot be told.
I’m a gift beyond measure, a matter of course,
And I’m yielded with pleasure- then taken by force."

"What could that possibly mean?"

"Do you really think I know? Dean, come on we have to search the village for whomever has done this." Sam got ready as I stayed a little longer. I grabbed her hand and leant down. She looked so in peace. I pushed some hair from her face and kiss her lips. I stood up again and took after Sam.

Third Person

The boys searched for anyone that attended the ball last night. But came back empty handed. Nothing was found, Sam thought over the riddle that was left.

'I am just two and two. I am hot. I am cold.
I’m the parent of numbers that cannot be told.
I’m a gift beyond measure, a matter of course,
And I’m yielded with pleasure- then taken by force.'

A kiss of course! True love's kiss could break the spell.

"Dean, the riddle wants true love's kiss. We have to get back!"

They rode off the castle once again. Once they arived, they raced down the steps to you. Dean states. "No it didn't work I kiss her before leaving she should be awake by now."

"Maybe she needs a jolt, get some water." Dean left and Sam gazed upon your features. A thousand thoughts going through his mind. He reached for your hand but swiftly pulled away once Dean arrived. He pours a couple of drops of water into your chest. You did not wake. He poured more and checked for a pulse or something, anything for a sign of life. Sam looked out and saw the sun slowly falling beyond the horizon.

"Go get Dad." He states. His voice showing the loss of hope. Dean left, Sam reached for your hand grabbing it as he looked at every freckle on your nose. You were truly beautiful. He knew what his fellow brother did the night before. He couldn't help the feelings that he had grown towards you.

He leaned forward, his lips meeting yours. When he pulled away Dean was at the door, the King by his side.

"You son of a-''

Dean lunged forward at his brother when he heard a large breath intake.

First Person

I felt weak, my breasts cold and wet. I took a deep breath and my heart pulsed rapidly. I sat up coughing. Arms wrapped tightly around my waist. One hand rubbed my back as I caught my breath. I looked up to see King John standing before me. I quickly stood and bowed before him.

He placed a hand on my shoulder, searching my eyes. He whispered something inaudible and I furrowed my brow. He smiled and look behind me. I turned to see Sam holding his nose. Prince Dean was sat on the bed, awestruck.

"Your majesties, may I ask what happened?" I look back at King John.

"What do you remember?" He pushed my question away.

"Last thing I remember is a woman in a black cloak and white dust. English accent, that is all your highness." I explain and look down at my dress.

"My sons will explain everything you need to know. Sam, I will talk to you specifically after supper." He left and I turned around.

"You almost died and Sam, he uh-" Prince Dean stopped and I sat on my bed.

"To break the spell, you needed true love's kiss, Dean tried but it didn't work. Then I tried..." I was silent for a second. I looked at Dean but he didn't meet my eyes. I looked at Sam.

"Well thank you, your majesty." Don't get me wrong, Prince Sam was a sweetheart and so kind to me. I just can only wonder why Dean won't meet my gaze.

Days passed by like the wind, I overheard the King's and Sam's argument. King John was furious Sam fell in love for a peasant girl such as myself. He also explained how he talked to another King about marrying Dean with their daughter. The next thing absolutely shocked me. There has been a word out that Prince Dean had slept with another.

I thought he would have chosen me but I was wrong. Oh so wrong. He seemed to avoid me, but whenever Sam was by my side I could feel his eyes follow me.

The ceremony was beautiful, Princess Francesca was married to Dean. He didn't look happy. King John placed his crown on Dean's head. His eyes met mine and I smiled softly. Sam grabbed my hand and squeezed lightly. I looked up at him and smiled, my heart fluttering as if it were bird wings. I turned back to the new King and Queen and smiled. They sat in their thrones, Queen Francesca  sitting up straight with pride. Dean eyes never left my figure. The villagers formed in a line, each bowing to their new King. I made my way up and bowed, I walked outside then before Sam joined me.

"Let's go home, I'm sure the kids are waiting for us." He smiles down at me and kisses the back of my hand. Sam still had his wealth, which provided for our sons. Now, before this gets crazy it had been two years before Dean got married today. He never spoke to me, even during family dinners. King John had accepted me into his family as long as his son was happy. Swm and I were currently engaged, have twin sons, and a house outside of the village. Everything seemed to work out for me for the better.

It was only a matter of time till everything falls apart again.

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