Lose Yourself Part Two

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Warnings: swearing, ansgt.

First Person

I sat up looking around myself. My eyes laid on a man who stood merely feet away. He had brown, short, curly hair, his eyes shown hazel in the light. He held out a hand and I reached for it, in no time I was up on my feet.

"Who are you?" I ask brushing off the ashes on my skin and clothes. "Do you know who I am?" I ask hoping for an answer.

"I am God and you are Y/n, I have your memories kept away. You don't need them for a job I have for you."

"What if my memories are an important piece to my job?" I ask gazing upon God himself. It was truly amazing, I am talking to the Lord himself.

"It will only be a distraction if you had your memories. But for this job, I need you to follow the Winchester brothers. Something terrible will happen and I need you to keep an eye out for them."

"How can I do that if I don't know who they are?" My mind flooded with questions. All of them will go unanswered.

"Trust me, Y/n." I nod my head and bow my head. Folding my hands together.

"Sorry." I say and look back up to see a different environment. A forest surrounded me. A small building with a path in front. Two men walked out of the building getting into a sleek, black car. I hid behind a tree, only in the process of a branch snapping under my foot. I grimaced until I heard the engine start and the car drove off. I sneak into the small building. The metal door creaking as it shut. This place was definitely not small.

The room was giant and tables lined in the center, as bookshelves full of books lined the walls. It was truly amazing. I felt my shirt snag on my skin and I look down. A long tear of my shirt exposing my skin underneath. Dark red stained the shirt, I lift up the hem to see a long white scar along my middle. I lightly grazed my finger over it.

"What the hell happened to me?" I say into the silent air. A shimmering caught my eye and I looked at my left hand. A small diamond reflecting the lights from above. A silver ring holding it in place. "I must be married." I say when I hear the same voices from before. I quickly get in between two bookshelves hiding me from plain sight.

"Dean it has been over a month and you drained our liquor cabinet. Just let it rest." A deep voice stated.

"You don't understand Sammy, I killed her and lost her. What you didn't know was that I was going to propose to her." 'Dean' said his voice broken. Something in my body defied me as I stepped into the open. I looked at the men as they stood tall. The shorter one caught sight of me and his eyes widened.

"Please don't kill me, I was sent here by- Him and I am looking for the Winchesters." I stated breathing slightly higher than normal.

The other one turned around and his expression only showed anger.

"What are you?" He grumbled.

"Uh- human? I have been told my name is Y/n. But everything else I have known from my past is gone." I explained.


Hours passed by, now I have a bleeding cut on my arm and water beads in my hair. That is when Dean stopped, when he saw my ring and necklace. He tried to reach for my hand but I pulled away.

"Sorry, I just want to find who gave me this ring. I want to earn my memories back after my job."

"What job?"

"I am supposed to look after you two. The Winchester brothers as He put it. He said that things were going to get bad soon and I had to be there." Dean rubbed a thumb over his sleeved right forearm.

"Who is this He person you keep saying?" Sam asked sitting in one of the chairs.

"God, he sent me here. And I think he helped me, because-". I lifted up my shirt showing my scar. "Because this looks like a fatal wound and it was healed." I touched it lightly. I looked back at Dean and Sam. Sam gulped heavily and Dean stared at my scar. His eyes filling with tears, I didn't understand, what was going on?


I learned what was bad, it was the Mark of Cain that laid on Dean's arm. He would often ignore me, it hurt. My heart longed for his attention in a way. For me, my memories never came back, I wasn't expecting them too. I haven't seen God at all either. I was given a bunch of clothes, my own room, a place to live. It was perfect. I walked to Dean's room holding a small tray of food for lunch. He laid on his bed fast asleep, his arm hung over the side of the bed. Empty whiskey bottles littered his room.

I walk to his bedside table and moved a box over onto the desk. I placed down the tray and noticed a picture in Dean's hand. I swiped it away and looked at the picture. It was me? I sat there smiling, my smile was from laughing. Next to me sat Dean who was facing me. A smile on his face, his eyes soft and caring. My heart hammered in my chest, as my hands shook violently. My knees felt weak as I fell to the ground. I clutched the bedside table for support until a dark cloud surrounded me.


Voices were heard around me. The long echo's flew by as light flooded my vision. I winced and hovered my hand over my eyes. Once everything cleared, I saw Dean hovering over me with worry in his eyes.

"Hey, Y/n. Take it easy okay?" He said helping up in a sitting position.

"Dean, why aren't I dead?" I ask tears forming in my eyes. "Where am I, this isn't possible. Yo- you killed me, I shouldn't be here." Tears fell down my cheeks. Dean stood and wrapped his arms around my trembling form.

"Hey, calm down, I can explain everything later, but you are here now and that means your safe. You have your memories back and that is good." He whispers into my hair as I wrap my arms around him.

And he did explain everything, every detail not a single missed. The ring stayed on my finger, I didn't want to take it off. Dean knew that, I forgave Dean immediately. I knew he loved me and if he would have known that the monster was tricking him, he wouldn't have hurt me at all. I don't remember much of the pain, only heartache for not being able to hold him for so long. I just lost myself in time.

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