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Warnings: some smut (not anything bad), swearing, obsessive actions, forced upon touching.

Reader's POV (First Person)

I was walking out of the library of the bunker when I was pinned to wall. I looked up to see Dean hovering over me and his eyes were dark with lust. This had to have been a dream, there is no way this could have been real.

"Dean, can you let me go?" I asked, my voice trembling from his gaze on me.

"But I want you, (Y/n)." His voice was low and deep. He had whispered which made you shudder everywhere. It was scaring you a bit.

"Woah, what is going on?" Sam had entered the hallway noticing me trapped between Dean and the wall. His arms were blocking my exits so I was left with nowhere to go.

"He won't let me go." My voice was nearly breaking. It was a little weird to see Dean act this way. Dean kept his dark eyes trained on me.

"Dean, what the hell are you doing?"

"I want her. Only her." His hands landed on my hips but I found my shot to scoot away from him.

He turned to face me and his jaw was clenched with anger. He took a step toward and grabbed my wrist.

"Dean! Let me go!" Sam tried pulling him away but Dean didn't budge.

"Don't you get it, I need you. I want you." His tone was upset and it still scared me.

"I heard you the first three times! Let me go!" His grip on my arm tightened before he let go. He eased up and fear etched his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. The last thing I want to do is hurt you." He walked away and I felt tears streak down my cheeks. I looked at Sam and he wrapped his arms around me comfortingly.

"Why is he acting this way?" I asked in between sobs. "He would never do that."

"I don't know, the last witch hunt we had was a week ago, why would it take effect now?"


Later that night, I was changing into an oversized shirt and slipped under the covers of my bed. I haven't seen Dean since the incident. My bed was oddly warm tonight. It was nice, compared to the cold crisp air in the bunker. My eyes shut as I slowly drifted asleep. A hand crept around my waist and lips attached to the skin of my neck. I reached for the knife under my pillow to find it gone. I turned around to see the green eyes of Dean Winchester.

I screamed but it was muffled by Dean's hand. He pressed two fingers to my lips.


"Please, (Y/n)." He kissed my lips but I pushed him away.

"Stop please. Dean, you need to go to sleep in your bed." He ignored my statement and continued kissing my bare skin. I kept pushing away and eventually I fell off the bed. I quickly got on my feet and ran to Sam's room. Before I could reach the door, Dean grabbed my arm.

"I can't help it." Tears were streaming down my cheeks. I have never been more scared and I hunt monsters for a living.

"You're hurting me Dean." He let go once again and I walked to the kitchen, I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing he could be there.

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