The Truth Comes Out

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Sam×Cambion!Reader, Dean×Reader(Platonic)

Warnings: swearing, demons?

First Person

I knew what I was, and I hated it. I am a cambion which means I am half demon, fucking perfect right? It was controllable, I didn't flash my onyx eyes much unless a demon was near. I avoided going on demon hunts with the Winchesters, along with avoiding the angel, Castiel. I have been hunting with the Winchester brothers for maybe 3 years almost. Dean was my best friend and Sam, he was always something more in my heart.

He asked me out two and a half years ago. He had taken me out for a nice dinner and we went to a beach around midnight. I could remember every detail. From the sand particles in between my toes to the waves crashing on shore. It was truly amazing.

About this cambion deal. Holy water didn't bother me one bit, same with salt. If I got stuck in a trap, I had to focus on my human self to ease out. It wasn't too bad, except my father. The one and only King of Hell. To be honest, he isn't the best father, and he didn't care for my existence. He was an asshole but thank goodness I didn't follow in his footsteps.

I sat up in bed and stretched out, yawning in the process. I swung my legs over the side of the bed, feeling the cold floor beneath. I stood up and grabbed Sam's sweatshirt. I pulled it over my head and sighed in comfort.

After brushing my teeth and fixing my bed head, I went to the kitchen grabbing a bagel. The coffee pot used and empty. I groaned starting another part when I heard a pained yell. I put everything down and crept towards the sound. The yells continued until I reached a room. My heartbeat picking up as I crept forward. I move a couple of shelves to see the brothers.

"You guys okay?" I ask and Sam turned around with a soft smile.

"Yeah we are fine babe." He comes up and wraps his arms around me, kissing my forehead.

"And who would that be?" A deep English accent said from past Dean. I froze which didn't go unnoticed. "Maybe my betraying daughter?" He added and I closed my eyes tight.

Sam moved to the side looking between Crowley and I. I glare at Crowley, anger boiling under my skin.

"What is he talking about Y/n?" Dean asks looking at me angrily.

"I'm his daughter. Biologically yes, mentally no." I whisper looking at my feet. I felt a hand on my throat as I was thrown against the wall. I grabbed the owner's arms. I struggled and decided not to fight. I let my arms fall to my sides. I looked into Dean's eyes and only saw anger. I frowned and closed my eyes waiting. My face felt hot as the air loss took control. The force was taken away from me as I fell to the ground gasping for air.

Sam pulled Dean away, it was too much to see. I stood up wobbily. "I'm sorry." I choke out, tears falling down my cheeks. The next thing I felt was being engulfed by my giant boyfriend. His arms wrapping around me.

"I'm nothing like him, I promise. I ran away because I couldn't take the screaming in hell anymore. I even saved some souls to return to their life." I whisper to him and he pulls away slightly, looking me in the eyes.

"Just because you are different doesn't mean anything about you changes." He replies and I smile.

"The only thing I didn't tell you about myself was being a cambion. I never lied about anything else." I wrap my arms around him again. My eyes captured Dean's, he was more relaxed. "I'm sorry Dean."

"No, I'm sorry. I didn't want another demon to use Sammy for their own benefit again." He replies looking down at his hands.

"So wait, do you have the same power as a regular demon?" The younger hunter asks.

"Uh, teleportation if I concentrate." I say unsure. Honestly I haven't used any demonic power except to get out of hell.

"Salt, holy water, demon traps, do they affect you?" Dean asks and I shake my head.

"Are you guys mad at me for not telling you?" I ask keeping my eyes to the ground.

"Of course we aren't, a little upset that you didn't tell us your relation to Crowley but you are still you." Sam says coming closer. His hands are grasping lightly at my arms and I smile. I look up into his hazel eyes.

"I love you, Sam."

"Oh give me a break, can you just kill me now and get it over with." Crowley grumbled throwing his head back in boredom. I laugh and leave the room.

"Finish him off boys." I say relieved that I didn't cause any distress for a long period of time. I let out a deep sigh and smiled. I was sure damn lucky to have the Winchesters.

I started this a long time ago and I didn't feel like reading over it to know where I was going with this one but it happened. Hope you Darlings love it!



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