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Warnings: swearing, angst, depression, self-harm, suicide. (It may seem what it looks like but, it is different I swear!)

Third POV

The car ride back to the bunker was filled with glares from Dean mixed with deafening silence. You sat in the back in silence trying to keep your mind off the previous hunt. It ended somewhat okay, if an innocent didn't die. It wasn't even your fault, the woman ran in front of your gun to be 'heroic'. You had already shot the gun when she jumped in. Well to Dean this wasn't some woman, it was one of his ex's, Lisa.

Another casualty to add of the endless book of everyone that lost their lives in your hands. There were always too many. You bummed out for most of them but this casualty was going to be a bigger hit to the head. The thing is you had been dating Dean for two years now and he still loved his ex. Of course he did, why wouldn't he, she was beautiful and had a normal life. This brought you down even more as you sunk into your seat as tears spilled from your eyes.

Darkness enveloped you as you shut your eyes and waited for the internal voice to stop screaming at you.


It had been two weeks, two weeks since that damn hunt that ruined the whole relationship between you and Dean. He wouldn't talk to you, or even stay in the same room as you did. At night after you headed to bed, you would wait and hope Dean would come in and wrap his arms around you. It never happened though. When he would eventually go to bed, he lied down back towards you. You watched painfully as you tried to talk to him but he would mask out your voice. That is when the cutting started up again. Small slits across your arms and legs that you hid with a sweatshirt and sweat pants.

You entered the library and Dean stood up and brushed past you. You frowned and listened for a door to slam in the hallway. You lazily sat down in the chair across from Sam.

"You need to eat something (Y/n). The last time I saw you eat was a four days ago." Sam stated giving you the same puppy dog look.

"I'm not hungry." You mumbled and looked anywhere but his eyes, knowing yours were glistening with tears.

"You should try talking to Dean." He muttered.

"Don't you think I have tried, he avoids me like the plague. I understand what I did wrong and-" then it hit you. He wasn't happy with you, he was happy with Lisa. You already figured that he loved Lisa more than he ever did you but now you could resolve this.

You gave a wide eyed look at Sam before running to your room. Pulling a picture from your dresser and running out the room tears falling. You ignored Dean lying in the bed watching your every move. You quickly jumped into one of the cars in the garage and drove out as fast as you could.

Meanwhile Sam took Dean to a bar, after a few drinks they finally broke into a conversation.

"Why do you ignore (Y/n)?" Sam asked his brother.

"I am not talking about this. I don't need your guidance for this."

"Well I want you to know this, (Y/n) can be very sensitive and you know that! You treat her like shit, and for what some dead chick!" Dean clenched his jaw downing his beer. "Dean she is breaking on the inside because you won't say or do anything to her. For God's sake, you leave the room when she enters!"

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