Three Words

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Warnings: heartbreak, blood, mentions of death, demons?

First Person (Dean's)

I stopped at the corner of the street watching (Y/n) hang up her Christmas lights with her neighbor. She was smiling and laughing.

I can't keep doing this. She is going to end up getting hurt because of me.

I made an immediate U-turn making my way back to the bunker. We had been dating a little over a year and she ended getting hurt on my watch. We had been secret about the whole relationship, until she was taken by werewolves, then I had a problem of not being able to protect her at all times. My phone rang a couple times until I finally picked up.

"Hey, I thought you were coming over for the night." I could picture her with a smile on those perfect lips.

"I'm not coming..." I trailed off.

"Oh uh- okay, maybe we can schedule another day. What would work for you?" Her voice was always innocent and sweet.

"The thing is, I can't come over and visit you anymore."

"But I haven't seen you in three weeks now. What is going on?"

"I don't want to see you anymore, I can't continue visiting someone who-" I stopped, how was I going to say it without breaking my own heart.

"Someone who what's Dean?" Her voice was broken and I had to resist every edge to drive back and apologize for everything.

"Someone who I don't love... Anymore..." Silence was all I could hear on the other end. Tears fell from my cheek as the call ended. She hung up and I dropped the phone gripping the steering wheel tightly.


4 years from now. Third Person

Dean and Sam parked on the same street Dean thought he would never see again. There was a case in your home town that caught their attention. Your neighbor was a witness to one of the murders. Dean glanced over at your house seeing two cars parked in the driveway, neither one was yours. Dean frowned. He was hoping to avoid you, but at the same time he wanted to see you.

He knocked on the door and waited for the owner to knock.

"Dean? Man it is great to see you again!" Melody cheered, silently inviting them both in. Sam shot a glance at Dean who ignored his brothers stare.

"What can I help you with?" Melody asked sitting down in a chair. The boys sat down after her lead.

"We were hoping you could tell us what happened two nights ago with the murder of Jason Braxton." Sam said calmly.

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