Imaginary Friends

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Warnings: adorableness, reader is 6-7 years old, got an idea that sprouted from Tumblr, slight angst.

Third Person

Your curious eyes looked up at the man with rainbow suspenders. He was a bit bigger than your daddy and Uncle Dean. You gripped the plastic knife and your stuffed bear.

"What is your name?"

"My name is Sully. I am here to play."

He wasn't like any normal stranger you have met. He was kind and kind of funny looking to you. It was Sully's job to be patient as you took your time to process.

"And how did you know my name?" You asked, your plastic knife relaxing in your hold. You head tilted to the side.

"Well I was a friend of your dad's when he was little just like you." He reminded sitting down on the floor. You walked closer.

"Daddy doesn't have any friends." You stated. Sully frowned at this.

"Well we were friends, so how about I make you a deal. If you let me stay, I can show you Uncle Dean's candy stash." He raised his eyebrows, smiling big.

Your eyes widened, your father never let you eat sweets. He always had you eat healthy.

"Really?!" You came closer and jumped excitedly.

"Yeah and I can also make marshmallow nachos!" He said excitedly. You jumped more and hugged him.

"With extra marshmallow?" You asked.

"Sure thing sweetie, anything you want."

"First I have to go brush my teeth and then we can play games!" You put your stuffed bear on the bed and ran to your bathroom, standing on the small stool. Sam walked in, "hey sweetheart, did you want to go to the park today?"

"No, I am going to play games with my new friend." You stated grabbing your toothbrush. Sully came in and sang the happy birthday song while you brushed you teeth. You giggled and Sam looked at you.

"What is so funny?"

"Sully is singing." You simply said and put your toothbrush in its holder.

"Who is Sully?" He stood straight, his shoulders tense.

"My new friend, he said you were friends too."

Sam thought but came up empty. The name, Sully, didn't ring a bell.


I dumped the marshmallow fluff onto the tortilla chips. Sully laughs and puts sprinkles on top.

"These look so good!" You exclaimed. "But we can't tell daddy, or uncle Dean."

"I pinky promise and cross my heart that I won't tell your dad."

"Daddy would be so mad, good thing you got the marshmallow fluff from Uncle Dean's stash." You giggled and took a chip. You bit into it and hummed in delight. Marshmallow nachos were amazing!

"This was a good idea Sully. You are awesome." A loud woman's laughter interrupted your snack.

You looked down.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Sully sat down and you looked at him.

"Daddy brings home girls and wrestles with them. Well that is what he tells me. But they don't stay. I want a mommy." Tears welled in your eyes.

"Don't cry, it will be okay. Maybe you dad will meet someone good for him, maybe she will be an awesome mom. She could paint your nails or teach you to do amazing things. How about we play a different game?" He suggested. You wiped your eyes and nodded.

"What game is it?"

"Ever think." He states and helps you to the bed.

"I will go first." He says. "Ever think about going to space?"

"Yes, I want to be an astronaut!" You exclaimed. "Ever think about making a giant ice cream sundae?"

"Of course, it would have whip cream, candies, chocolate sauce and a cherry on top!" He smiles as she giggles.

"Ever think about putting soap on the bathroom floor and skating?"

"I have done that once after a bath. But I hurt my elbow." You said and added, "Ever think about running away from family?" You looked at him.

He knew Sam had asked the same question so long ago. "Do you think about it?"

"I don't want to be homeschooled by Uncle Cas. I want to meet some new friends because Daddy doesn't play with me a lot. Uncle Cas is weird and Uncle Dean is always gone. Then you came last week and I have so much fun." You explained.

"Well, do you really want to go? I can go with you."


"Anything for you sweetie." He smiled down at you. "I will pack my stuff and help you with yours."

"Thank you Sully." You hugged him and smiled.


Sully had his little bag packed. You had your back pack. It was late and your dad was sleeping. So was your Uncle Dean. You crept out of your room grabbing the phone you found in the library.

Once you got outside you called Bobby, or your grandpa, either one worked.  He came to pick you up and Sully got in the car with you.

"Darling are you alright, did your idgit of a father do something?" Bobby asked.

"I just don't want to be here anymore, it is boring." Sully sat next to you. He will stick with you no matter what. It was his job to guide you to whatever you wanted to do.

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