Forbidden- Part 2

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Warnings: Swearing, yelling, sexual harassment.

First POV (Reader's)

Dinner was amazing, a full meal with my mom and dad in the same room. I couldn't be happier. No one brought up my birthday or a wedding that might not ever happen. Until now...

"You should be looking for a prince. Your 25th birthday is coming up and you still haven't married." My father exclaims dropping his fist onto the table.

"Dad, I get that I need to marry somebody but, why a prince? Can I not marry someone I truly love? All the princes are selfish 'royalties'," I paused taking a deep breath. "I am going for a walk. I don't want to listen to any of this marrying crap anymore." I stood from my seat and ran down the halls to my room.

"Young Lady get back here! Dean, go with her!" My father yelled and I heard footsteps behind me. I rushed into my room and quickly changed into a more comfortable dress and ran out the doors. I brushed past Dean who had been trying to get me to talk. I ran through the halls to doors that lead to the stable. Dean had followed me and saw me get on my horse. He followed suit and I smiled, I stopped and waited for him to get ready.

"Ready?" I challenge with a bright smile before taking off into the woods. He had followed behind me until I came to a stop in front of an abandoned farm that I would visit every now and then. I tied my horse to the wooden posts and Dean hadn't questioned my actions yet. He tied his horse as well and I took his hand and pulling him towards my destination.

"Where are we going, Princess?" He said and I stopped in my tracks.

"Do not call me Princess, you may call me (Y/n)." I ordered facing him.

"But you are of a higher power than I am. It would be respectful to call you Prin-"

"Stop. Please, I am a regular person." He nods hesitantly. "Good." I pull him til we were at the edge of a cliff.

"You might want to be careful Pri- (Y/n). At these heights would be dangerous." He said pulling me back a bit.

"I never brought anyone here, mostly because I come here alone. So, tell me about yourself."


"You know, tell me why you became one of my father's soldiers. Or about by your family and friends back home."

"Well, I have a small family back at my village. My father and mother passed so I took care of my younger brother Sam. When.... Castiel... Came to my village looking for boys to serve him, he looked at my brother and I stepped in front of him. I wanted to serve for the kingdom instead of my brother. He has a life ahead of him, and I didn't want anything to get in the way."

"That is very selfless of you, sacrificing yourself for your brother. I admire that."

"He found a woman who loves him. Jessica. She is good for him and that will be the beginning of their story." By now I sat in the grass looking over the small villages. Dean sat next to me as the sun got closer to the horizon. We shared multiple moments together. Something strong pulled me towards him. Something I have never felt before until now, the perfect feeling of being safe.

We heard a roar come from the horses causing a constant loud neighing. Dean stood up and looked in the direction of the steeds.

"Stay here, I will check the horses." Dean said before walking in the direction. I stood watching him leave when a hand clasped around my mouth keeping my from screaming. A cold metal touched the skin of my neck.

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