Have some Fun

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Warnings: None that I can think of, besides light language but that is normal.

Second Point of View

You sat across from Kevin who was focusing on the tablet in his hands. He would challenge you to academic quiz questions. It got annoying quick. You hated losing even if it was a question that threw you off. The boys are having you watch over him while they hunt. You were in charge of making sure he eats, sleeps, and take care of himself.

"Kevin, we should take a break. Relax and go to sleep." He completely ignored your orders. Kevin was the same age as you, it was nice at first until he started quizzing you. His eyes shot from the rock to the paper next to him. "Kevin, come on. I am tired of watching you work on that stupid tablet."

He put his noise canceling headphones on, still ignoring you. "Alright I am done." You stood up and walked around the table behind him. He was oblivious to your actions. You snake your arms around him snatching the tablet and running off.

"(Y/n) this isn't funny I need to work!" He yelled as you ran down the hall. It grew quiet and you pinned yourself to the wall, holding the tablet to your chest. You could hear the faint footfalls down the hallways. You tiptoe past the the electrical room's door.

You grab the keys to the electrical box. You shut down the lights and made your way out back into the hallways.

"Really? The lights?" Kevin continued wandering the halls running his fingers along the plaster walls. He had a smile on his face. He liked you from the beginning. He didn't know how to connect with you, and his best idea was to quiz you. When he caught a glimpse of your smile, he would smile at the beauty of your lips.

You started giggling as you ran on the cold concrete floor. You ran into a the firm chest of Kevin, you his the tablet in your shirt, expecting him not to grab it.

He wrapped his arms around you tightly. His fingers found your sides making you fall to the ground in a laughing fit.

"Stop! Please stop!" You yelled in between breaths of laughter. He smirked at you releasing you.

"Give me the tablet." He demanded.

"How about.... No." You smiled up wiggling from his grasp. He stopped you by holding your shoulders to the ground.

"(Y/n) come on. I don't have all night."

"No." You repeated with more confidence. "It doesn't hurt to have a little fun."

He stared into your (E/c) eyes. You stared up into his beautiful brown ones. He leaned down and brushed his lips on your own. They were softer than you thought. Everything seemed to not have mattered when he pulled away, tablet in hand and ran off back to the library.

"This isn't over Kevin! You can't just leave me in the dark!" You chuckled running after him. "Come one, let's have some fun Kevin!"

Feel free to request and I would be more than happy to write a story for any of you Darlings! Love ya!


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