Don't Do It

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Requested by: carissalynch

Warning: angst, kidnappings

First Person

I wandered down the halls of the bunker, running my fingertips along the concrete walls. Sam and Dean were on a hunt, which was requested by my boyfriend, Sam, to stay home. It was eerily quiet in the bunker, as always. I didn't pay much attention to my surroundings, until the lights started flicking above me. I take out my pistol and stalked down the halls. The lights flickered off completely, I pressed myself against the wall. I try to look but all I could see was darkness.

"Boo." A familiar voice whispered in my ear before hitting me beside the head.


I groaned and lifted my head up. I tried to move my arm only for it to stay in place by chains. I opened my eyes and struggled. The clacking of the metal chains ubrupting the silence.

"She wakes." The voice said, coming closer and closer to the chair I was stuck to. The figure stepped in the light showing his sandy blonde hair. His grey eyes looking down at me. His finger up to his mouth as he bites his nail.

"Lucifer." I growl and he chuckles lowly.

"Who else would I be?" He mocked and I sneered.

"How did you get out of your bird cage?"

"Little birdie let me out to finish some business." He replied smirking. Lucifer circled me like I was prey.

"What the hell do you want?"

"I think you already know the answer. I'm trying to get to your little boy toy and borrow him for a while." Lucifer cheers and grabs his angel blade.

"You're a fool if you think he is going to come here." He chuckles deeply sending shivers down my spine.

"We will just give him a call after I skin you alive." He says slicing the angel blade down my skin. A scream erupted from my throat as blood trickled down onto the floor.

Torture had gone for hours and he picked my phone from my back pocket.

"Sammy, I have a little gift for you waiting. Why don't you come down to where I am and we can have a little chat. I will send you an address of where we are. In the mean time, I will be making sure your girlfriend screams for forgiveness." He hung up and sauntered to me. My head hung low, not enough energy to sit up correctly.

"Don't do it Sam." I whispered and Lucifer laughed.

"You really think he wouldn't come for you." He chuckles and blood dripped down from my mouth onto my lap.

"I hope you rot in hell, you sick son of a bitch." I whisper.

Soon enough Sam did come and I was in worse condition.

"Carissa! Stay with me okay?" He says holding my face in his large hands.

"She won't stay long unless of course, you agree to my offer." Lucifer smirks and I couldn't hold on any longer. Darkness surrounded my vision and whole being.


I felt as if I was floating in it. Everything was quiet and I felt rain on my body, even though I couldn't see anything. I heard the purr of the familiar Impala. I tried smiling but it hurt, I knew I was safe. The sound of the engine proved that. I slowly came to my senses and felt something rubbing small circles into the flesh of my stomach. I opened my eyes to see Sam's long hair draping over my chest. His head laid above my breasts. His hand making the soothing circles on my skin. His arm was wrapped around my middle and I smiled mentally even when it was physically impossible. I could tell we were in the Impala by the feel of leather underneath me.

Those raindrops were tears from Sam, the hot tears rolled down my sides. I pull my arm out and place my hand lightly on his head. I ran my fingers through his matted hair. Dirt specks littered his hair, along with some blood spots along his scalp. He took notice and sat up.

"You're awake? Oh thank god you are awake." He says kissing my cheek.

"Don't do that again. Don't come after me when it deals with Lucifer, Sam." My voice hoarse from screaming.

"We fixed it, I didn't take his deal and you are with me again." He says brushing my hair to the side.

"I love you Sam." I relaxed and closed my eyes.

"Keep your eyes open please." He says, his voice cracking a little.

"I'm not going anywhere, I just need some sleep. I am exhausted." I respond wincing at the sound of my voice.

"I love you too Carissa." He states laying his head on my chest again. I smiled and relaxed as darkness surrounded me into slumber.

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