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Requested by: Nayelialvarez45

Warnings: I don't there is any this time.

First Person

I sat in the backseat listening to the rock and roll music in the background. Dean was driving which meant he picked the music. He never let's anyone else drive 'Baby' but himself. I don't mind, it means I can take a nap on car rides from place to place. I stretched my legs over the backseat and rested my head against the window.

"How far are we away from Milwaukee?" I ask.

"Still got another two hours." Dean replies smirking at me from the rear view mirror.

An Inn in Milwaukee has had three victims who drowned in their room's bathtub. I think it is a vengeful spirit, Dean thinks it is just some nutjob messing around with peoples' lives. Sam was obstaining from the bet Dean and I had going on. Fifty dollars to the winner.

I closed my eyes as slumber took over my body.


A loud honk woke me up, immediately after I heard the boys laughing their asses off.

"Screw you Dean." I mumble and sit up. I quickly fix my hair and rub my eyes.

"Time to interview our first witness!" Sam said jumping out of the car. I got out to see a woman sitting on a bench near the front door of the Inn.

"Fantasma malvado...... Fantasma malvado.... Fantasma malvado." She repeated.

"Ma'am, we are the FBI. Agent Smith and Snitch. No relation. And our intern Giles." Dean and Sam held up their badge but her eyes stayed to her hands.

"Fantasma malvado... Fantasma malvado."

I knelt in front of her.

"Señora puedo hacerte unas preguntas?" I asked.

"Ya he hablado con algunos oficiales. Me no creía."

"Puedos confira en mí, es mi trabajo tomar todos los aspectos dear in caso." I looked up to see the boys in awe.

"Are you going to tell us what she is saying?"

"No she hasn't said anything yet about the case. Give me a second."

"Era mi turno de noche y me limpia las habitaciones vacías para Los clients entrantes. Entré en una habitación mug fría y vi repique pertenencias dispersas por todas partes. Llamé a la puerta del baño y nadie respondió. Cuando abrí la puerta, un viajero puso bajo el agua con marcas quemadas a mano en el pecho."

"She says, that during her night shift, she came into a cold room and found the victim under the tub water with hand prints burned to his chest. You owe me fifty bucks Dean." I say and turn back to the woman.

"Gracias pot su aporte. Creo que lo que vio era un fantasma maligno."

"Gracias, Gracias, Gracias." She repeats and hugs me before leaving.

Dean holds out fifty bucks and I take it.

"Gracias perra." I smirk and go in the hotel.


"When did you find the time to learn Spanish?" Sam asked and I looked over at him.

"My mom taught me Spanish and English as I grew up. She always said that there will always be a chance to use either language." I explain and put my gun back together.

"I gotta say, it was pretty hot." He smirks at me and I blush.


"What other languages do you know?"

"Latin, some sign language, and Castiel is teaching me Enochian." I say and put the gun on the bed I was sitting on.

"I can't believe Dean agreed to play bait for once. He usually makes me do it but he fit the profiles perfectly."

The door to the room opened and in came Dean.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear." I remark and turn to him.

"No luck finding a woman to please your needs?" I ask and he grumbled. He fell onto his bed and I smiled.

"Goodnight Dean." I say and start cleaning my knives.


"Come on, say something in Spanish."


"Come on Princess. For me please."

"Dean I said no, we could be looking for another hunt!"

"Come on-"

"¿Por qué es hated in full así? Puede que no me dejan en paz?"

"And what did that mean?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

"Leave me alone, you ass."

This story is short and sweet. If I mistranslated anything, please let me know! And thank you for such a unique request!

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