She is Here

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Warnings: death, angst, feels, swearing, blood, birth.

Third Person

"Bleeding excessively! We need you to stop pushing (Y/n)! Breath steadily until I tell you to continue." The doctor all but yelled. Nurses scrambled around you, trying to keep everything under control. Another contraction hit, and you screamed in agony. Dean held your hand as you tightly squeezed. Dean kept you in track for breathing patterns. Black spot flooded your vision.

The pain was growing fainter each second. The doctor yelled to push and you did. You looked up at Dean before your vision was completely lost.

"We need to stop the bleeding now!" The baby was already born and now they were focused on you. You looked up at Dean.

"I love you." You whispered and worry flashed onto his features.

"(Y/n) you need to stay with me. I can't do this alone." He grabbed your hand tighter. Tears pricked your eyes when you lost feeling in your whole body. Everything was fading fast. The heart rate monitor sped up over and over again until it flat lined. Dean let the tears free fall from his eyes.

"I love you too." He said as the doctor and nurses called the time.


Mary jumped from her bed and ran throughout the bunker halls until she found her dad's room. She opened the door and ran to the bed. She climbed up until she could see Dean sleep soundly.

"Daddy?" She whispered.

"Daddy, it's my birthday. Come on wake up." She patted his shoulder.

He groaned and sat up seeing Mary on his bed.

"Happy birthday, baby girl." He said and wrapped his arms around her. He tickled her sides as she giggled.

"If only mom was here to see you all grown up." He muttered to himself.

"She is here." Mary said with a smile on her face.

"I don't think so baby. She is somewhere else, somewhere better."

"But she is here. I saw her." Mary continued protesting. Dean sighed and kissed his daughters' head. Tears began to fill his eyes.

"Why are you crying daddy, Mommy can see you. She is sad now." Dean furrowed his brows.

"What are you talking about?" Dean asked sitting up.

"Mommy wants you to stop crying. She says to stop crying or she will kick your butt." Mary giggled a bit. "She has pretty hair like mine. She sings to me every night when I go to bed."

"Oh yeah what song does she sing?" Dean asked wiping his eyes.

"She says Hey Jude by the Beatles. She says you used to sing it to her when she would get sick." Mary explains.

"Can you see her?" He asks looking around the room.

"Yes she can. Mary is special and can see my spirit Dean." You said. Dean looked over wide eyed at your ghost.

"Mommy!" Mary yelled and hugged your legs.

"We burned your bones." Dean stuttered out.

"I am aware. I was tied to something and I found out that it was Mary. I am not a vengeful spirit, I have no intention in harming anyone or anything."

"You were always too caring to hurt anything or anyone. You didn't like hunting either. But you know I have to get rid of you...." He trailed off and you nodded.

"I got to see my little girl grow up." Tears filled your eyes and fell freely. You opened the drawer to the nightstand and pulled out your wedding ring. "I figured maybe I could stay by telling you I was tied to Mary. Maybe not but here." You handed him the ring. Mary looked sad and hugged your legs tighter.

"Mary, how about you go get Uncle Sammy ready." You said patting her small shoulder. "Happy birthday Sweet Pea. Love you." You finished and she ran off. You looked at Dean who refuse to make eye contact with you.

"I'm sorry (Y/n), I love you so damn much." Dean said grabbing his lighter. He dipped the ring in some alcohol, the same whiskey bottle that has been there since your death. Dean would refuse to drink for Mary's sake.

"I love you too. I will see you on the other side." You said and he lit the ring on fire before putting it on the concrete floor. It burned and so did you. It wasn't as painful as you had imagined. Mary dragged Sam into Dean's room.

"Where's mommy?" Mary asked and let go of the giant hand of her uncle.

"A better place. Now come on, we have to make your birthday pancakes." Dean said and Sam gave him a worried look.


Your heaven was empty until you built it into a perfect house that you would constantly bug Dean about. Mary, she died of leukemia at the age of 10. She joined your heaven. You were upset to see her there at such a young age. Dean died on a hunt three years later. When he arrived to heaven, he was met by you and Mary together.

Sam got out of the hunting life and died from old age with his wife Melody. Sam finally got his apple pie life and has a son, who is currently a brain surgeon. Everyone was happy. And the Winchester name continued on.

That didn't go as planned. I was trying to shoot straight but that didn't happen. But whatever. It works.


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