Guardian Angel

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First Person View of the Reader

I have watched over Sam Winchester since he was a baby. God had told me to let Azazel take away his mother. Angels aren't supposed to have human feeling but I couldn't help but feel bad for him. I was made fun of because of what I feel. I was the youngest angel yet I have lived for decades upon decades. It was 'God's will' for Sam's life to be a mess. I was assigned to him, to watch over him. But how can I help him if I keep getting set back by the will of God.

God has been gone for a long time. Yet he still talks to me. I was told I was a special enough to hear Him.

"Castiel, why aren't I allowed down?"

"It is too dangerous for you, (Y/n)."

"I am a guardian angel! It is my mission to protect my assigned souls. I have never left Heaven before and now everyone is holding me back from helping!" I paced the white room. More like cell.

"You know-"

"I know what? I understand it is dangerous, but come on! Almost every angel has walked the Earth except me! I understand I am the youngest but that doesn't mean I am strong enough!"

Castiel was silent, he bowed his head because he knew I was right. While he was sulking I extended my small wings and flew down to Earth. I put a hand to my chest carving into my vessel's ribs. Angels won't be able to find me now. I was outside of a bunker in Labanon, Kansas. I couldn't get in directly, I had to physically enter through a door. I didn't see any car near by so I walked up to the door. I ran my hands over the rustic iron handle.

I opened the door to hear the creaking of the hinges turning. I walked in to see a large room with a table with several chairs accenting it. The lights were on giving a low light to the room. I walked silently down the steps. When I reached the bottom I saw two gun barrels in my direction. The two men holding them were very familiar.

"Who are you?" The shorter one asked. Short, dirty blonde hair with meadow green eyes. Dean Winchester. Along with... Sam Winchester, his long brown hair and bright hazel eyes. He was more handsome then the view Upstairs.

I opened my mouth to say something but I was interrupted by the sound of wings. Castiel's wings to be precise.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" He pushed me against the nearest wall and the Winchester brothers dropped their guns.

"Castiel, you know my position. I just never told you who." I narrowed my eyes at him. He may be my older brother, but he has been a pain in the ass, starting by keeping me in a room my entire existence.

"What is she talking about Cas?" Sam asked, he was still cautious. He shouldn't, I am the one who should have been protecting him.

"I am an angel of the Lord." I smiled not so proudly. "Look, I mean no harm to any of you." I wiggled out of Castiel's grip.

"How did you get in?" Dean asked righting his grip on the gun. It wasn't raised but he still held onto it.

"I walked in."

"How did you find it?" Castiel asked demandingly.

"Simple, Sam led me here." Dean shot a deathly glance toward his brother. But he raised his hands in defense, I laughed. "Dean, he didn't do anything." I stepped in front of Sam giving Dean a menacing look. I straightened myself as a shield for Sam.

"What are you doing?" Dean quirked a brow and I lowered myself. I stepped away from both of them.

"Sorry, it's just my job to protect Sam. I understand that you're brothers but the glare you gave him made me go into a protective mode." I looked at Castiel and he was still angry with me for leaving.

"C'mon (Y/n) we have to get you back into Heaven."

"No. I don't understand why I can't do my job without being set back by my own brother or sister. Let me be."

"Wait, wait, wait. So you're my guardian angel?" Sam asked setting down his gun.

"Yes." I answered solemnly.

"Where have you been, all my life has been hell!"

"I'm sorry Sam, I truly am. God told me to let you be, I hated his will. I wasn't allowed to leave Heaven until I got Castiel to reflect what had happened. And Castiel, you knew I was right. I can't do my job unless I am on Earth, I can't protect Sam without knowing that I can help him." Everyone stared at me after I was finished.

"God has talked to you? But he is gone." Dean pointed out.

"I know, he still talks to me though. I had a lot of time to think of what a coward he is. I love him, I do, but what has he done. He let hell on Earth."

"You shouldn't doubt him." Castiel ordered.

"Why? Did he order you and all of our brothers to keep me safe!? Castiel let me do my job!" I pointed a finger at him. "Don't try to stop me." My tone was softer and only above a whisper. "Sam, Dean it is my mission to keep you safe, please let me help. You both have been through hell and back, I can help you. I can protect you." Sam's face was more softer than Dean's because he was more acceptant.

"If you try to pull-" Dean started but I interrupted him by pulling out my angel blade and handing it to him.

"Then you can kill me. I won't need it though, I know how to kill something, if needed to be, with my mind."

"Not an angel." Castiel stated but I turned to him.

"A lot of training for all those lost years. It isn't hard, but killing a brother or sister will be. I don't want to harm any humans either. It is not in my duty to hurt a human being."

"So what happens if a human kills or hurts Sammy?" Dean hit his brothers shoulder and smiled.

"If killed, I will die with him. If hurt, I can just reprogram their minds."

"Wait, so if a person is killed, their guardian angel dies with them?" The youngest Winchester asked.

"Yes, because we were supposed to watch and protect them, and when failed we die as well."

"But Sam has died before..." Cas pointed out.

"Once again God's will. Now, shall we get started."


A year passed since I first actually met the Winchesters. Their trust in me was successfully improved by my actions. I tended to stay by Sam's side most of the time. I was out on a supply run for food. I have eaten before but everything tasted like each idivual atom in the food. I heard my name as if in prayers. My name echoed my ears and I heard the familiar voice as Sam's. I hope he isn't in trouble. I flew to his location to see a shower curtain separating Sam from me. I don't see any real danger in here.

"(Y/n).." He groaned into the steamy air.

"Yes?" The curtain nearly fell on top of him when he jumped.

"What are you doing in here?" He peaked his head from the curtains, cheeks flushed red.

"You prayed for me, I thought you had gotten into some trouble." I felt my cheeks go hot. Instinctively I turned away from his gaze. "Are you alright?"

"Er- yeah, fine thanks."

"You know, I sense some sexual tension, could I help at all?" A smirk played on my lips. I was certainly not an innocent angel. He nodded quite rapidly as I slipped off my clothing's and walked in past the curtain.

I will let you imagine the rest. Unless you Darlings want me to make a smutty chapter next.

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