Just A Maid Part 3

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Warnings: angst, sadness I guess....

First Person

All I wanted to do was run. But when I looked up Dean was nowhere to be seen. Somewhere in the crowd of townsmen. A hand lightly laid on my shoulder and I turned to see Prince Sam.

"You are very beautiful tonight." He states and smiles.

"Thank you, your highness. I was about to leave anyway, I don't belong in here."

"Sure you do, you are kind, caring, and selfless. That is what royalty should be. You are a princess, maybe not through currency but from the inside." I blushed at his words. He thought I was truly significant, where I did not. Not now.

"Thank you, but I should get going. The floors aren't going to clean themselves. And plus, Prince Dean is going to marry a princess, which isn't what I am. I'm just a maid." I turn back to see a beautiful woman in a gorgeous dress. She danced soothingly with Dean across the ball room.

Tears sprung to my eyes as I moved my way back to the hallway. I slowly walked down the corridor running my fingers along the wall. Trying everything I could to keep the water from spilling down my cheeks. All happiness went away, it was just anger and depression. Angry at myself for not stopping myself from falling in love. Sad because I know I could never be with him.  I walked towards the garden, there were some guests out talking and enjoying the night.

I sat down on the marble bench. I look up at the stars. They scattered the sky with such beauty, the moon peeking through the trees. The chilled breeze brushing past me. Goosebumps formed on my arms as I relaxed.

"Isn't a little chilly for you to be out?" The voice tightened me as I squealed and turned to see Sam.

"Bloody he- sorry. Your highness, you have frightened me to death."

He laughs and holds a hand out to me. I take it and stand up.

"Dean is looking for you everywhere, I am surprised he hasn't looked here." He lead me back to the ballroom and saw him. He stood for a couple seconds before he stepped forward.

"You look magnificent Y/n." He states and smiles. I look down and say, "not as beautiful as the princesses." He frowned at my statement.

I turn to leave when he caught my arm.

"Please your highness, I need to get some rest. I have much cleaning to do tomorrow morning. Good night your highness." I escaped his grasp and walked as fast as I could. Once I reached my chamber, a woman sat at my bed looking at the opposite wall.

"Excuse me, you seem to be in the wrong room?" It came out more as a question than a statement.

"Nope, are you Miss Y/n?" She turned around, her black cloak shadowed half her face.

"Yes, who are you might I ask?" She brought her hand up as she inspected it.

"You don't need to know Darling, all you need to know is how to stay off the grid. But since you didn't, I am here now." She waved her hand as white dust was blown into my face. I coughed violently before falling to my knees. It felt as if I were struggling underwater.

Dean's POV

The night didn't last long after she left. I don't remember much either. I danced with many of the other kings' daughters but none of them appealed to me.

I sat up in my bed and felt the bed shift next to me. I looked over to see a petite body that I certainly didn't know right away. 

She woke up and covered herself with the blankets. "Hey handsome." She whispered and kiss my cheek.

"Bloody hell." I covered my face with my hands. Sam banged on the door. He entered with an exhale.

"Y/n isn't waking up. I went to check on her but she isn't moving." He caught his breath.

I froze, this couldn't be happening.

Short chapter. I introduced Sam more and I want to leave the next part up to you. Sam or Dean, who will have the heart of Y/n?

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