Little Mistakes

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You know what can be a pain in an ass? Witches. We all were hunting a witch that performed a last spell until I ganked that son of a bitch. We thought everything was going to be fine because there wasn't any effect until this morning when I heard four screaming children in the bunker. Maybe more than four. I get up with a knife in hand and walk out into the hallway.

There they were, a little red head named Charlie who was now 2 years old, a shaggy brown headed 2 year old, another child in a trenchcoat and then last but not least a child hugging my legs. He had spiky, short, blonde hair. His green eyes could not be a mistaken as Dean's.

"Son of a bitch." I whispered.

"Ooh, you said a bad word!" Charlie pointed at me with a disappointed look. What the hell is going on?

There were four 2-year olds running around and I had to fix this.

"Sorry Charlie." I picked Dean up and he wrapped his arms around my neck. Cas clung to my other leg as I walked. Sam and Charlie ran in front of me to the kitchen.

"What do you guys want for breakfast?"

"Pancakes!" They all screamed. I put Dean down and unlatched Cas from my leg. I looked at all of them and Sam didn't have his pants on. He was chasing Charlie around the room as she screamed bloody murder.

"Sam! Put your pants on!" He fell in a giggle fit and I laughed pulling his pants up.

"You guys have to be good for me until I fix you okay? You also need to stay calm or you won't get pancakes." I saw fear etch on Castiel's face. His eyes widened and he quietly got onto one of the chairs. Dean just kept smiling at me while Charlie started to talk to Cas with baby talk. For the most part Cas kept quiet. Sam settled down and started making dust angels on the ground.

This is going to be a tough day.


After the kids settled down, I started researching for a cure. I don't know how much I am going to have to deal with four un-trained children. When I mean un-trained, they aren't potty trained and that means a hell of a mess.

I had printed coloring sheets for Sam, Charlie and Castiel. Dean would linger around me. I was looking through spell books while everyone else was busy. Dean started to climb on me until I let him on my lap.

"What is it Dean?"

"You're pretty." He smiled and I tickled his sides. He laughed and curled his arms to his chest.

"I don't know what to do, I can't find your cure."

"It's okay." He said innocently grabbing some hair and twirling it in his now tiny fingers.

"(Y/n)?" Charlie tugged on my shirt.

"What is it, baby?" She giggled and held up her picture.

"It's beautiful Charlie. Do you want me to hang it on the fridge?" She nodded yes and Dean gave me a pouty face.

"What's wrong?"

"I want to be called baby." He stuck out his bottom lip. Charlie stuck her tongue out.

"She likes me more, Dean." Dean smiled mischievously before getting off my lap and chasing Charlie. I got up from my chair and looked at Sam and Cas. Castiel was head down on the table asleep while Sam was bobbing his head, he was getting tired too.

"Alright time for bed!" I yelled but Cas was still out. Sam hooked himself on my left leg while Charlie went on my other. I picked up Dean and Cas. Castiel had his fingers in his mouth, eyes still shut.

"Don't get funny ideas." Dean scowled and I looked at him. I walked to Dean's room knowing that was that was the most comfortable bed. I put Cas down along with Dean. I helped Charlie and Sam up as they lay down shoulder to shoulder. Dean fiddled with his fingers and Charlie leaned against Sam. Cas was out cold and Sam was finally falling asleep.

"Night night." Charlie whispered before falling asleep.

Dean looked up at me.

"Time for sleep Dean."

"I don't want to."

"Do you want some milk or..." I have no clue what I am doing.

"Can I stay up?"

"No, I am going to bed too." He nodded and I shut off the lights and left the door open. The hall lights were on as I made my way to my room. I got undressed from my flannel which was covered in a bunch of unknown substances. I slid under the covers after shutting off the lights.

I felt a hand on my arm and I flipped out. I turned on the lamp on my nightstand to see Dean grabbing my arm.

"Dean, what are you doing up?"

"I'm scared."

"Of what, nothing will get to you I promise."

"I'm scared of the dark."

"I don't blame you. Here, you can sleep with me tonight." I helped him up and he snuggled into my chest. I sang Hey Jude by the Beatles to lull him to sleep which worked. I fell asleep with an arm around him.


I woke up to a loud thump in another room. I felt arms around my stomach, much larger ones than I expected. I turned my head to see a full grown Dean. Thank God.

I released myself from his arms and made my way to Dean's bedroom. Cas was dusting off his trenchcoat and looked at me. I laughed.

"Glad you guys are back." Charlie woke up and stumbled away from Sam. I heard footsteps behind me and I knew it was Dean. "Do any of you realize what terrors you are as kids? Except you Cas, you were quiet the whole time." He smiled at me.

"I don't even remember what happened." Sam stated rubbing his head.

"Well Sam, you chased Charlie around without pants on. Charlie you messed with the boys which was pretty funny. Castiel stayed quiet the most time, and passed out quite quickly."

"What about me?" Dean wiggled his eyebrows.

"I will tell what you did later." I pointed at him before leaving back to my room. Dean had followed me.

"How about now?"

"You know, you are a lady killer even at the age of two." He chuckled lightly.

"Really?" He smiled and I nodded.

"You didn't want me calling Charlie baby, you tried flirting with me by calling my pretty and you snuck in my bed because you were scared of the dark. The whole day, you were by my side." He was silent. He wouldn't move or make a slight sound.

"Did- did you mean everything? I mean you were two when you said these things."

"Well, I think I blew my chances with you, because of a stupid witch huh?"

"Who said anything about blowing your chances? Maybe I thought it was adorable." I walked closer to him and I heard his breath hitch. "Maybe, deep down I was hoping you felt the same way as an adult." I looked up in his eyes. He closed the gap between us and kissed me softly against my lips.

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