Just A Maid Part 2

905 33 6

Warnings: family death, fluff.

First Person

The first thing I felt was the thumping of my heart. Lub-dub lub-dub.

I opened my eyes to see the darkness of the room I was in. I sat up taking in my surroundings. I couldn't see a single thing, until a door creaked open and light crept into the room.

"Where am I?" I ask, my voice raspy.

"Chamber my darling. You fainted in the village, what happened?" Esmeralda lit the flame in the oil lamp and made her way to my bed.

"My house in the village has burned down. My family was no where to be seen." Tears struck my eyes, and spilt down my cheeks.

"Esmeralda, may I speak to Miss Y/n?"

"Yes your highness." She spoke and bowed before exiting. I looked up to see the King. I bowed and kept my head down.

"Please rest Y/n. I understand what you are going through. I want you to take the week off, rest up, and enjoy anything you like around the castle. May I ask you some questions?"

I was surprised by his kindness, I heard that John Winchester was a ruthless, uncaring man. I nodded unsure what to say.

"Did you see anyone suspicious in front of your house?"

"A man in a black cloak. He stared at me, all I can remember was his yellow eyes." I stated.

King John hummed for a second.
"He is after you, I can only assume. I will have the knights find him immediately. For now, rest up." He stood up tall and left the chambers. I laid down and closed my eyes as slumber took over my body.


I stayed in the garden for the whole week, Dean joined me at times to comfort me. He told stories about a man who hunted monsters, the imagination this man has was incredible. I hadn't noticed how close we were until his eyes stared upon mine. His eyes closed as his soft lips touched my own. It was intoxicating.

The warmth of his body so close to mine. Lust filled my eyes but I shyed away.

"Your highness...."

"I'm sorry, please, attend the ball in two days. I would love to see you there." A blush rose onto my cheeks.

"I have nothing to wear." I state looking down at my hands.


"Hello Fergus, I was hoping I could get your assistance." I stood at the small counter.

"Anything for a family friend. Now what is it that you need?" He turned and I smiled.

"The dress in the window, how much is it?"

"Too much for you Darling. Come, I will make something much more beautiful."

He was certainly right. He described of such beauty in just a piece of fabric. He described every detail he would add in just for me. As I walked down the dirt path, I reached the shop. Standing a few feet away was Fergus's wife. She tried paying for goods but had nothing but dirt. I reached into my small coin bag and pulled out a couple of coins. I say, "here, hopefully this is enough to pay for the food." I have never seen her so happy and joyful since her marriage.


The next morning I skipped to the tailors', more than happy to see my dress. Once I entered, I was greeted by a right hug.

"Thank you Darling for buying the groceries, you have made my wife very happy. Your dress is over here, all finished and perfect. I looked over to see an elegant red dress with black lacing. It was truly magnificent. Never in my life, have I seen such beauty. I tried it on, the corset bring my waist into a tight form.

I thanked Fergus and went along my way back to my chamber. I hung it nicely up and awaited for time to pass for the ball. I could not wait any longer. I bathed in cold water, I washed my hair and pulled it up, tying it with some thin ribbon. I dried myself off  and put on the dress. In this moment I felt like the most beautiful women out there.

I couldn't wait for Dean to see me in such a dashing piece. I walked up the stairs and made my way to the ballroom. Wealthy townsmen and women crowded the room and I just made it before King John entered.

"Thank you everyone who has joined us this evening. We are here today to celebrate the new heir, Prince Dean."

Dean walked out and waved at everyone in the room.

"Tonight he will find a princess from another kingdom to marry and take my place as King."

That. That was the moment everything broke inside of me. Dean kept a calm face as his eyes reached mine. I looked down at my dress and frowned. I was no princess.

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