New God Part Two

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Warnings: happiness?

First Person

I was sort of used to the whole Cas being gone thing. I miss him, I truly do but the only thing that has changed from being locked away from everything was that I got to see people more often. The only down side is that I am still on lockdown because of the baby. He is a healthy boy with wings. His wings are visable and the doctors were so astonished. The looks on their faces were priceless.

His wings were golden with silver specks splattered across the feathers.
I named him Gabriel after Castiel's brother who had fallen during the apocalypse. I knew how close Gabriel and Castiel were before humanity happened. Cas told me stories of his adventures with his brothers all the time and I share them with Gabriel.


Today is the day I see Cas again with Dean. It has been long enough and I couldn't wait any longer. I held Gabriel close as I hid his wings with a blanket. The doctor led Dean and I towards the visiting room and I saw Cas sitting alone at a table, silent.

I sat down across from him and smiled. He looked down at Gabriel and I took away the blanket.

"I named him Gabriel after your brother. His wings have yet to grow I assume, I honestly need your help in raising our angel." He smiled as he held Gabriel in his arms.

"He is perfect, just like his mother." He says quietly and looks up at me.

"I will get you out of her Cas, I promise." I kiss his forehead as Dean sits down.


We left later on and now I sat in our motel room caring for Gabriel. Dean and Sam were off on another hunt for Crowley while I stayed back. I look down at Gabriel and smile. "You have a lot of your fathers quatlities. I wish he was here with us, but I haven't found a way to get him back to normal." I realize I am talking to a baby. Could I be going insane?

Nahhh, I'll be fine.


Soon enough Cas came back. He seemed to be high about 90% of the time which freaks me out a little at times but slowly I got used to it. And now, we have a new member to our family. Kevin Tran, a prophet of the Lord that stumbled across a tablet with God's word. Only Kevin can read it with an amount of concentration.

I looked at Castiel and smiled softly. He turned and tilted his head to the side.

"Why do you smile whenever you look at me?" He asks.

"Because I can never forget how lucky I am to be with you." I reply and rock Gabriel gently in my arms. "I missed you too much when you were gone."

"You tell me that everyday." He remarks and I chuckle slightly.

"Because it is true." I kiss his cheek as he kisses Gabriel's forehead.

"I'm so lucky to have in back." He says and presses his forehead to mine.

This is extremely short but I didn't know what else to add. And I have great news! I am going to PHXCON tomorrow!!! It is an early birthday gift from my friend and I can't wait!!! I hope I can get a photo op with Osric or Richard. Jensen and Jared will only be there on Sunday which I won't be able to make it but it will still be amazing!!

Love you my Darlings!!


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