Am I Insane?

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Dean×Reader, slight Kit×Reader

A/n: Yes this is a crossover of Supernatural and American Horror Story. I had an idea and I went with it. Don't hate please.

Warnings: swearing, angst, mentions of rape, panic attacks, abandonment, mental illnesses.

Third POV

Sam and Dean hugged each other after testing each other. Dean was back from purgatory and Sam was more than happy to see him back.

"So ugh- how has it been?" Dean said awkwardly.

"Stopped hunting."

"Wait- you stopped hunting? Just stopped the family business?"

"Well yeah. I found something."

"What's her name?"


"What's the chicks name? There had to have been someone that took you away."

"Amelia, her name is Amelia."

"And ugh- where is (Y/n)?"

Sam rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He avoided his brothers eyes.

"Where is she, Sam?"

"We separated after you disappeared."

"Do you know if she is alive?"

Sam backed away nervously.

"You better hope that we find her." He threatened.


"Dammit!" Dean grumbled angrily.

"Dean I-"


"I found her." Sam finally states and turn the laptop around. "She is in Briarcliff Manor, an insane asylum."

"That can't be her." Dean mumbled.


Kit peered the corner to a hall of rooms. Two guards stood looking at each and every room. Kit stalked through the hallway and rushed passed the guards. He crept through the halls until he found your room.

Sam snuck after Kit, Dean followed closely. Kit opened the door and walked in closing it quietly.

"What did they do to you (Y/n)?" He asked and stroked your cheek.

"Dr..... Arden...." You stuttered.

Kit lightly strokes the marks on your temples. A gasp came from the entrance to the room. Kit turned around to see the two guards.

"Please, I just needed to see her." Kit explains standing up. His hands held up in surrender.

"Are you a friend of hers?" Sam asks.

"Yes. I uh- I watched her come in here. I understand what she saw and she understands what I saw. But now, I am not so sure." Kit explains. You were facing him the entire time. Your hands shook as you tried to grab his arm.

"What she saw?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, she saw a blinding light and the guy she loved vanished. Same thing happened to me with my wife." Kit turns his eyes upon yours.

"D-Dean.... Winchester.... He is gone....." You murmured.

"No, no, no I am right there baby." Dean put his hands on your cheeks but, you squirmed away. Your breathing sped up and your whole body shook violently.

"Hey, don't touch her. (Y/n) I need you to breath for me okay? Breath in and out." Kit couched you through the panic attack.

"Why does she have burn marks on her temples?" Sam asked and you had stopped shaking.

"Dr. Threadson kidnapped her and made her his new toy. He raped her but she escaped after fighting him off. She got into a car accident which knocked her out, and when the police found her, she was returned to this hell hole. Sister Jude refused to believe her story and it worried that it effect the other patients, so she did electrotherapy to make (Y/n) forget everything." Kit explained. "That's why you can't touch her, otherwise she will have a panic attack." Dean's heart shattered when he heard what happened to you.

"Dr. Arden tested me...." You said. "He is a psychopath..."

"We are getting her out of here." Dean turned to his brother.

"Kit comes with." You stated trying to sit up straight.

"Please, I got to get out of here. I swear I am not insane." Kit pleads with wide eyes for a chance to escape.

"Fine." Dean grumbled.


Kit was holding you up as Dean and Sam looking ahead. Dean motioned for you to follow and you eventually made it outside. Kit helped you into the back seat and the brothers got in front. Threadson walked out seeing you. You smiled at him as you drove off.

"This is real?" You asked, a smile playing on your lips.

"This is all real (Y/n)." Dean smiled shyly.

"You're alive?"

"I'm alive."

"I can't believe it..." You mumbled as tears sprung to your eyes. Kit hugged you closer.


"Good bye Kit." You hugged him before he got onto the bus. "I wish you the best."

"Thanks, (Y/n). I wish the same for you too." He kisses your forehead.

He got onto the bus and took a seat. He looked at you through the window and smiled. You smiled back and waved.

Dean put an arm around your waist, at first you flinched but settled down after looking at his face.

"So- were you two a thing?"

"He was my brother. In a metaphoric way. He was there through it all and he helped me in the worst of times. The electrotherapy he talked about, didn't do crap but make my mind mush for the next two hours. And God, did it hurt like hell. Anyway, how are you here? I saw you disappear."

"The was a portal in purgatory for humans."

"Okay." You sensed he didn't want to talk about it that much so you didn't push it.

"Now let me ask you this. Why were you in there?"

"I thought maybe our lives was just my imagination. After you disappeared, Sam left, Kevin disappeared, so did Crowley. Maybe this wasn't real, maybe monsters were just my imagination of how fucked up I am."

"Unfortunately, it is all real and we still have to hunt those sons of bitches."

"Am I insane?" You ask.

"No, you definitely aren't insane." Dean kisses your cheek and you didn't flinch.

"God, I missed you." You sighed and a smile spread on your lips.

"I missed you too, Sweet Heart."

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