What's a Ship?

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Warnings: Mild swearing(as usual) and that is it!

Second point of view

"Hello my Darlings! (YouTube name) here for this week's episode. A lot of you wanted me to play Advance Warfare and since the boys are gone, I finally get to record my weirdness!" You set up the game and grabbed you controller.

"Okay, so I heard a lot of fantastic reviews on this game and I am so ready! I was really excited when I bought the game and once again, the boys don't know about this whole thing. They are completely oblivious to my secret life on here." The game loaded and you started the campaign.

"Okay, so a lot of want to meet my roommates but I can only describe them, but that is for another time." You winked at the camera before starting.

Level by level passed with all your reactions caught on camera. You cursed at the game set up in front of you when someone knocked on your bedroom door.

"(Y/n), you okay?" It was Dean, you stared at the camera with wide eyes.

"Yeah, you weren't supposed to be back for a while I thought." He opened the door, not noticing the camera being on.

"Yeah we finished early, sorry I didn't call. I wanted to surprise you. Oh and I brought home some pie." He smiled widely from ear to ear.

"Great." You said plainly and he looked at you weirdly.

"You love pie, maybe not as much as me but, you always want some." Your scream flashed red saying game over across it. You sighed and finally replied.

"Kind of busy."

"What, a game?"

"No," you turned the camera to face him. "Say hello to all 1,400,000 people that will be watching this video. Everyone meet one of the guys, Dean." You turned the camera back to you. "And I will be right back!" You paused the video.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Playing video games. What else does it look like?"

"You upload videos to YouTube for people to watch you play video games."

"Not just video games. Last week of every month is a question and answer video, sometimes I just do random stuff."

"You're weird, you know that?" He chuckled lightly. You blushed re, your heart picked up it's pace. You always had a crush on the eldest Winchester.

"Yeah, and I will get some pie after I am done. And I will get you back for killing me." You pointed at the screen that was still flashing red.

He laughed and closed your door. Damn him for killing me but yet be so hot.

You turned the camera back on, hoping your cheeks flushed back to normal.

"Sorry about the interruption. Now let's get back to business."


Apparently, your cheeks were red for the second half of the video, based on what the comments said.

'I ship it!'

'Did you see the blush on her cheeks after Dean left! OTP!'

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