My Time

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Warnings: angst, swearing.

Summary: Time always has an end. For some people, it is sooner than the rest. (Y/n) is running out of time, she realizes how much she cares for the brothers. Certainly the youngest Winchester.

First POV (Reader's)

"So get this," Sam starts. "Four healthy drop dead at random times. Doctors say that there is an unknown cause to their sudden drop. No heart attacks, stokes, nothing." We were searching for a hunt this week, we found some but a couple of them were taken by fellow hunters.

"Where at?" Dean asks putting down a newspaper.

"It is a small town Cornucopia in Wisconsin." Sam answers.

"Alright let's hit the road bitches!" I say jumping out of my seat.


Sam had insisted that I go interview some witnesses with him. I didn't mind, it gave me some more time with him. But Morgan Statt, victim's wife, said how her husband would constantly scratch at his wrist. She also said that he would yell how many numbers he had until he died. Dean looked around and didn't find anything out of the ordinary.

The next two witnesses were relating to Morgan's statements. What the hell was going on here.


After a long day we all headed to bed, we hadn't gotten anywhere with research because there isn't lore out there doing something like this. Sam and I shared a bed while Dean got his own. It was either share or the floor, and the floor looked hella gross. It was about 2:45 when I woke up to loud beeping. I got up from the bed and unplugged the alarm clock.

The beeping continued.

"What the-?" I whispered and looked out the motel window. Nothing, nothing was making a noise but once I scratched my wrist something caught under my fingertips. I look down to see a small band with red numbers on it. It looked as if it was made of metal because no matter how much I tried to move it, it wouldn't budge. I back up until I hit the bed. I shake Sam awake until he groans.

"What's up?" He said, gravelly low voice.

"I thought you would wake up to the beeping." I whispered.

"What beeping, all I hear is you."

"Look." I point at my wrist and he quirks a brow.

"What am I looking at?"

"The numbers!? Don't you see the metal band?" He shook his head.

"You must be tired (Y/n). Get some sleep." He laid back down and I got under the covers. The number was 15 at the moment, I wonder what it meant.

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