That Smile

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Warnings: Feels, death, another death, blood.

Reader's POV First Person


I met you on a Monday, Sam Winchester.

He arrived at my high school and it was the two weeks I could never forget. I found him sitting alone at a small table at lunch when I joined him.

"Hi, may I sit here?" I asked and he nodded. "My name is (Y/n). You must be new here."

"I'm Sam, what makes you think I am new?"

"Well, no one at lunch sits alone besides me." I smiled.


"Because I don't normally trust people, except you. You're different, you aren't like anyone else here." I picked at the 'food' on my tray. I noticed he had a bag of chips and a soda from a vending machine. I should have done that.

I took him in, inspecting his form. He was short but I could see more than that.

"I'm going to call you Sprout." I smiled and he looked at me weirdly.

"Why would you call me sprout?" He was very questionable.

"Because, you are short right now, but I bet when you grow up you will be a giant." I laughed and I saw a smile I would never forget.

For the two weeks he was here, he told me a lot of stuff. About his family and what they do. It was kind of scary knowing that something could get me.

"You don't have to be scared, I will protect you." He said smiling. That smile was one thing I missed after he left.


I saw you on a Tuesday, Sam Winchester.

I arrived to my Government 101 class at Stanford University. I found an empty seat and I searched my classmates. The man next to me looked so familiar.

"Sam?" I asked and he looked at me wide eyed. "You certainly have grown since I last saw you."

"Excuse me?"

"How are you doing Sprout?"

"(Y/n)? What on Earth are you doing here?" He smiled, bringing back old memories that I kept locked in my mind.

"Trying to get my education on. What about the family business? I am glad you got out and all but, it is amazing your dad let you leave."

"I can't believe you remembered, even after all those years."

"How could I forget my Sprout?" I chuckled lightly, missing all the years without him. He smiled brightly, a new memory to be locked in my head forever. That smile, I always remembered and would never forget.


I lost you on a Wednesday, Sam Winchester.

I saw him at the Halloween party, but I couldn't talk to him now. Once he found Jess, he had stopped talking to me. I missed him, and I couldn't help but feel jealous when they started dating. Rumor has it that he was going to propose to her. I wish I called him or at least texted him, but I was too much of a coward to even try.

The next day, or night, Jess died in a fire. It was tragic to hear what happened. Sam had disappeared and hasn't been found yet. I couldn't help to think that I lost the one person that I wanted next to me for the rest of my life. I had watched over the four years, that he was happy with Jess and that is all that mattered. Because he smiled that very smile that I loved.


I was saved by you on a Thursday, Sam Winchester.

Demons had caught me and I was beaten bloody. My capturer had left due to some noise upstairs. I knew about these creatures from high school, and I always feared them. I wish I could have the protection of Sam. Like he said when we were in high school.

Someone knelt in from of me, but I couldn't tell who they were. It was too dark for me to see their features.

"I am going to get you out of here, okay? But you need to stay with me." I knew that voice. It was a symphony to my ears.

"I am here Sam. I won't leave any time soon."

"How did you get caught up in this mess (Y/n)?"

"You remembered from all those years. You were missing back at Stanford. I am glad you are okay."

"You shouldn't worry about me, you are the one hurt."

"But everything is better now, you're here." A light was turned on and I saw Dean Winchester, the bad boy from high school. I gazed onto Sam and his features. "You have grown even out of college."

"I couldn't help it."

It was then that the connection I felt in the beginning, sparked to life. He never left my side and I never left his. He would grin that very smile that I have never forgotten and never will forget.


You proposed to me on a Friday, Sam Winchester.

He was bent on one knee in front of me, ring in hand. I answered his request and he smiled as he slipped the ring on my left hand. He stood up and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I have loved you from the beginning and I don't want to stop. I will never stop loving you. I don't want to live the rest of my life without you, (Y/n)."

"I loved you since I first sat down at the table. I will continue to love you even passed our time." He pulled away and smiled down at me. That smile was a permanent imprint in my brain.


I cried with you on a Saturday, Sam Winchester.

The little creation of mine and Sam's was gone. I had a miscarriage, and I was balling out on Sam's shoulder. The baby's life died on my watch and there was nothing I could do. I stared into his eyes and cracked a sad smile.

"I'm sorry, Baby."

"Don't you dare say sorry, it wasn't your fault. It was nature, there was nothing we could have done to prevent this. Just remember I love you with all my heart and I won't stop loving you no matter what happens. He hugged me close with a sad smile. That smile wasn't the one I remembered from so long ago.


You lost me on a Sunday, Sam Winchester.

I lay bloody and beaten on the floor. Damn werewolves. My stomach and chest were in ribbons. I was fading slowly and it hurt like hell. Sam knelt beside me, cradling my head in his lap.

"C'mon (Y/n) stay with me! Everything is going to be okay, just stay with me please." Tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Hi there Sprout, you certainly grew big. I told you, you are giant. But as you grew my heart increased twice in size to fill my love for you. I wish we had more time, but Death is calling my name. I must leave my Sprout for my time has come. Just know that I will love you no matter what. I have always loved you and I always will." With that I took my last breath as the pain subsided.

"I love you too (Y/n), always have and forever will. I wish you didn't have to go." Sam cried holding my lifeless body in his arms.

Third Person View


Sam stood above your grave stone. He set a bouquet of flowers on the ground. It was both of yours four year anniversary and he couldn't spend it with you again like last year. He always kept your wedding ring on him in remembrance.

"4 year anniversary of our marriage. 2 year anniversary of you death. 18 year anniversary since we met. And I miss you everyday. I wish you were here. I don't feel happy without you. I love you always have and always will. Wait for me to arrive in Heaven. We will be together soon enough. I love you (Y/n)."

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