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Warnings: none this time, just pure innocence.

Second Point of View

You were sitting underneath a great willow tree. It had enough leaves to block out the hot sun rays beaming down on Earth. Birds chirped as they flew in flocks through the air. Wild flowers were scattered all over the place as you read your favorite book. People didn't come here often and it was only you that would come every so often. The grass blades tickled your bare feet when a brisk breeze soared through. It was a perfect October afternoon to be outside.

This was your escape, a nice day outside away from everyone that ticked you off. The field of flowers was empty from what you had last looked up. Who would be here anyway, everyone slaves over their phones and tablets. You looked up as you turned yet another page. The story dancing across your mind. A man in a tan overcoat was out and about the field.

His pace was slow as he made a strange path through the flowers. A couple times he would kneel and look at the flowers. You giggled at the adorable man. You could see his dark hair and when he tuned, he sort of faced you. He wasn't acknowledging your presence because he was focused on something in the air.

You looked down at you book again and start to continue the story. I flipped the page and noticed the man closer still oblivious to my existence. I finally saw what he was looking at, it was a bee.

"Hello." You say and he jumped a bit. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I couldn't help but notice you in the field."

"Isn't it normal for humans to walk among fields?" He asked and he tilted his head a little. It was cute. He said humans instead of people, that was a little strange.

"Well yes, just normally the only person that comes here is me. People get too involved in their technology to enjoy nature nowadays." You say bookmarking your book.

"I'm sorry, I can leave." He started to walk away but you stopped him.

"No, please stay." You patted the spot next to you and he reluctantly sat down looking at another honeybee.

"I haven't seen you around town, did you just move here?" I asked not recognizing him from the small town.

"No, I am just passing through. My friends said it was best if I had stayed somewhere calm."

"Well, this is the place. Nothing really happens here. The biggest news you will probably ever hear is a movie coming to the theater in town." You laughed and he chuckled slightly. "So tell me about your friends, are they friendly?"

"Sometimes, it depends if you are a harm to humans or not. If you aren't a harm, they will be nice. Especially Sam." He said looking at the grass beneath us.

"I never introduced myself. I'm Y/n." You held a hand out for him to shake, he hesitated before shaking.

"Castiel, most people call me Cas. The short version of my name."

"Castiel.... I have heard that name before." He became edging and stared at you. "Isn't that a name of an angel? Um... I think it means 'Shield of God' if I'm right." You looked out into the field.

"How would you know that?" His voice suddenly dropped a couple octaves and was really low and threatening. You looked at him wide eyed.

"My religious class in college. It was a required course to get my degree." You say shakily. Castiel relaxed and looked almost relieved. "Why?"

"Because I am an angel, I wasn't sure if you were a demon." Wait, what?

"Angels and demons?" You say in misbelief.

"Yeah, Heaven is in war right now and demons got a hold of angel blades to kill off angels."

"So that makes you endangered?" You didn't understand a thing he was saying, maybe he was insane.

"I'm not insane you know. But, yeah it puts us in danger."

"Why do you follow bees?" You asked desperate for a subject change.

"Honeybees are so.... Majestic, they are so oblivious to the world around them. They don't understand the danger out of their nest. They also make sweet treats that I learned to enjoy."

"What else do you like?"

"Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches when they don't taste like molecules." You laughed not knowing he was serious.

"Angels don't eat, do they?"

"We don't have the need for consumption of food, no. Same with drinking and sleeping." You didn't notice the sky glowing red and orange as the blue faded away.

"Since I know you are just passing through, do you have a place to stay?" You stood up grabbing your book and held a hand out so he could stand.

"No, not necessarily." He took your outstretched hand and stood up. His blue eyes reflected the sunset colors.

"I have a spare bedroom at my house if you need somewhere to stay for the night. I don't want any demons getting to you, right?" You started walking through the field with him next to you.

"Is all of humanity this kind?"

"No, not everyone is. I just ignore those people." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"If it isn't any trouble, could I stay at your place?"

"Of course you can Castiel."


He told you stories about his friends and how they hunt monsters and spirits. It was nice to talk to someone that actually had some interesting past. You two walked to your house and invited him in. He was different than most, not the whole angel thing but humanly different.

"Here is the spare bedroom, and if you ever need anything or help with anything just let me know." You clapped your hands together. "If you need clothes, I probably have some of my brothers clothes that will probably fit you."

"You live with your brother?"

"Used to, he uh- he passed away in a car accident." You looked down at your hands and he lifted your chin with a finger.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure he was perfect in God's eyes." His eyes were full of sorrow and the blue deepened in color. You leaned in and pressed your lips to his. It was something you would never do to someone you just met, but something about him was alluring. Like he was a magnet and you were the nail. And it all started with the bees.

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