We Need to Talk About Them

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Warnings: swearing, pregnancy, alcohol, angst.

Third Person

(This is after Dean comes back from purgatory.)

Dean frowned and looked over to his brother, who was eating cereal at midnight. Dean glared unplugging his headphones from Sam's old phone. Dean held up the phone.

"Sam Winchester," Kevin's voice spoke through the voicemail. "It's Kevin Tran. Crowley had (Y/n) and I at an abandoned warehouse, and we just escaped. I don't know where we are. And I don't know if he- or any other demon are still after us. We need you help. Call me back, it's Kevin Tran."

Dean clicked the next voicemail.

"Sam Winchester, it's Kevin Tran. I called you a week ago. Call me please. I don't know what the hell we are out here, man." A voice interrupted Kevin. Your voice. "Did he pick up? No." And the call ended.

Dean clicks the next voicemail ignoring his brothers short statements.

"Sam, it's Kevin. I'm good. I'm so good. (Y/n) is... Somewhat good. She uh- she has a problem that she doesn't want to share with you over the phone. 3 months since you ditched our asses. I haven't slept for more than four hours a night. It's all good in the hood.-"

"Kevin? Put down the bottle. C'mon let's get you to bed."

"I'm not done talking with Sam."

"Sam isn't picking up anymore, come on. You have to get some sleep." A crash of the bottle sounded through the speaker.

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