Moved On

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Sam×Raeder, Dean×Reader

Warnings: little self hatred, angsty, cheating.

Okay, I got this idea from a Tumblr post, with my own modifications, I don't have the user that had the idea but koodos to that person!

First Person

I awoke from my bed, yawning and looking at my boyfriend. I smile as the memory was fresh in my head.


I walked to my first class, Government. The campus of Stanford was confusing as hell, especially as a freshman. I walked in and took the only seat left. I was late, but it wasn't my fault that the campus was fucking huge.

"You looked stressed." A voice said beside me, I turned to them.

"A bit, I took Government 101 in high school and this is my first year in college so, I can't find anything that easily." I explained grabbing my notebook for notes.

"Maybe I can show you around." He suggested. His somewhat long, brown hair flopping a little as he turned his head to look at me.

"That would be great, I'm Y/n."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sam."

After the class ended, Sam showed me around, making it ten times easier to find my classes. We exchanged numbers, and we eventually went out on a date. It wasn't anything fancy but it was nice.

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