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I was supposed to be under cover at Simaron University. I had became friends with the victim's friend that witnessed the attack. Troy Gable was killed by a vicious creature. This Jerry guy started to talk to me more than both Sam and Dean. 'They didn't look like they cared' as Jerry would say. The case was solved when Jerry asked me to attend a frat party. How was I supposed to know what to do, I was on a calming walk when he practically dragged me to this frat house.

The punch was spiked, and there was this table. Topped with glorious food. The brownies were to die for. I was on my 8th and John, or whoever he was, wasn't stopping me. I ignored the other college students and made my way outside. I heard heavy footsteps approach me as I shoveled another brownie in my face. I had one more and when I took a bite, I noticed Sam in front of me.


"Heya Sammy!" I took another bite. "Where is Dean?"

"Over-" Sam started before hollering for Dean. "Dean, I found her! She was at a party!"

Dean cursed as he made his way over. I smiled brightly at him.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Dean demanded for an answer but I couldn't stop giggling.

Third Person's view

(I didn't feel like rewriting the whole thing. Yeah I know I am lazy.)

Dean glared at you. He glanced over at the house to see Jerry wide eyed and sneaking back into the house.

"JohnJesseJoe or whatever his name is brought me here. You should of seen the snack table. It was like the great pyramids! You have to get some brownies, they taste like the universe." As you brought the brownie to your mouth, it was snatched away by Sam. "Hey! I was gonna eat that!"

Sam brought the treat to his nose taking a quick sniff. "(Y/n) this has weed in it!" He whisper yelled. He quickly discarded it into a nearby bush.

"I'm guessing this JohnJesseJoe guy isn't someone you should be around." Dean stated as you went to recover your lost sweet. Sam wrapped his arms around you before your hand even touched the bush. Sam carried you away bridle style while Dean followed the two of you to the car.

"Thanks for helping me fly Sam." You giggled giving a quick peck on his cheek. You gasped at sudden realization.

"What now?" Dean asked.

"I now understand the universe." You looked at Sam wide eyed with a toothy smile.

"How many brownies did you have?"

"Maybe 1, or maybe 2, maybe 10 and a half." Sam set you in the back of the Impala. It was going to be a long drive back to the bunker with you singing and doing random crap. Once you all hit the road, that was when questions started popping up.

"Do you guys think... Raindrops feel pain when they hit the ground. Like their lifespan is them falling and then SPLAT!" Dean gave you a worried look in the rear view mirror.

"Or what about animals? Do you think they understand communism? Like in that one book with the animal farm. I look back at it and think maybe people didn't understand communism but animals did." I were splayed out in the back seat looking at your fingers in amazement.

"Man... Hands are pretty..."

"Oh, oh, oh, oh! What about light, light is so weird man.... Like is God mad at us for making artificial light? He spent so much time in the beauty of light and we are here on Earth messing with flashlights."

The questions kept coming. The boys never answered you back because they were laughing so hard.

"When I die... Don't wrap me up like a burrito. I don't want to die as a burrito, okay?"

"What is this thing called life that we are experiencing?"

"You know why orange juice tastes like orange? Because the oranges were concentrating."

"When I close my eyes, I see people in hallways and dark trains on highways."

"What if trees fall because of their weight of self-pity?"

All these things you were saying never received an answer from either of the boys. You sat up and started to pet Sam's hair.

"Your hair is pretty. What shampoo do you use? Maybe I can get mine this soft."

"Why does a sneeze feel like an orgasm?"

Both boys fell silent. Has anyone described a sneeze as an orgasm? No, definitely not. The car finally reached the bunker. You spent the last half hour singing to every tune that was on. Sam helped you get to your bed. But you had to be comfortable. You looked down at your button up flannel. This was going to be a challenge.

"You need anything else?" Sam said leaning against the doorway.

"My buttons are being difficult." You frowned. A pouted waiting for Sam to help you. You had a huge crush on him, but that was disregarded, you were high and it would be forgotten the next morning.

Sam made his way to you, step by step. He unbuttoned your flannel and helped you release from the clothing.

"Sammy, we should play twister."

"(Y/n) you should go to bed. I am sure you will feel better in the morning."

"I highly doubt that."

He helped you lie down in bed. He tucked you in before you grabbed his arm.

"Can you stay with me, so the monsters don't get me?" He smiled before slipping under the covers.

"You shouldn't have eaten so many of those laced sweets."

"Oops." You said before drifting off into slumber. You were in Sam's arms and that is all that mattered.

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