Forget It

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Warnings: Swearing, depression, self harm, attempt of suicide, heavy drinkin, fluff.

Second POV

"I can't believe you were stupid enough to even jump at the damn monster! If you weren't so idiotic then none of us would have gotten hurt! You know what, I am done! You aren't worth trying to save anymore! You should leave, we don't have to worry about you anymore!" Dean yelled. You never intervened, because everything he said was true. You nodded, not any emotion peek through onto your features.

Dean and you had been together for a while and he was sober in this fight. He didn't know about your severe depression and what it did to you. You wanted to save Dean from being clawed at, so yeah you jumped in front of the monster. He downed some more whiskey turning away from you.

"I will leave you alone, you won't have to worry about me anymore." You whispered.

"Good." He mumbled and that is when you walked down the hall. Finally letting the tears free fall. The walls seemed to close in around you. The lights blurring your vision along with the tears. You stumbled into the bathroom and hover over the tub.

'Get it over with.' Your inner voice said. You look up to see yourself across from you.

'Why are you giving me that look? I know why you are crying, the one person you thought you had a chance with hates you too.'

"Everyone hates me, even me. I should have known." You say.

'You are too stupid to even know what they think about you. You are a worthless hunter. I was surprised to even see Dean ask you out in the first place. You really thought that anyone could love you. Not even your parents loved you, isn't that why they left you at Bobby's all the time.'

You turned the faucet on letting the tub fill with water. You stepped in clothes and all. The other one smirked and handed you some blades.

'Might as well make it hard to come back. Drowning yourself isn't quick enough. I don't see a gun around, sleeping pills can do something but still not quick enough. Blades vertically on your arms will do the trick.'

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