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Dean×reader (kind of)

Warnings: I don't think there was any this time

First Person

I walked up to the small crib. I glanced over the rail at the infant crying. His green watery eyes glanced at me and his crying stopped. I smile and pick him up.

"Dean you don't have to cry, I am here to protect you." I whisper and he grasps my finger with his much smaller ones.

He yawns and his eyes flutter shut. I lightly lay him back down and admire the small creation. As a guardian angel, it was my duty to protect Dean Winchester. I stepped back when I heard Mary's footsteps. When she entered, she only saw Dean fast asleep.


Dean crawled across the upstairs flooring until he reached the steps.I kneel down on one of the steps.

"Dean, not here. Not yet of course, you need to learn how to walk first." I smiled as he giggled crawling away to another room.

He understood me, if it was a human telling him similar, he probably would find something else to distract him.


I watched from the doorway as Mary made a sandwich for Dean, who sat at the table coloring on some paper. John walked through the front door and I stepped aside.

"Daddy!" Dean shouted hugging his legs.

"Hey sport!" John replies picking Dean up.

"I drew a picture!" dean said holding up the paper. I walked closer looking at the drawing.

"There is mommy, and you, and me." John furrowed his eyebrows.

"Who is that behind you?" John asked pointing to the figure behind the drawing of Dean. It was me, a small drawing of wings sprouted from my back.

"The girl, she sings to me when I go to bed." Dean answered and Mary looked up.

"And what does she sing?"

"It is different every night."

"Does she have a name?"

"She won't tell me. I ask her every night but she doesn't answer me." Dean said glancing at me.

"You will know some day Dean. I promise." I say and smile.


I sat on the edge of Dean's bed. He hugged me around my waist.

"Do you have to leave?" He asks.

"Yes I do, maybe I will get to see you again some day. You won't notice I am gone, you have your mom and dad and now your baby brother." I reply running a hand in his curly hair.

"But I will miss you. I won't ever forget you." He said looking up at me.

"You will forget me one day." I whisper sadly.

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