Chapter 34

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I don't say anything.

Did he just say I was pregnant? No, I can't be. I took an infertility potion to stop me from getting pregnant! This can't be real.

"You're making a mistake, I can't be pregnant" I say to him

"I assure you I'm not, you're six weeks exactly" Whale points out to me

Six weeks?

Then I remember the night I had with Robin in the vault while Marian was frozen... the night that happened six weeks ago. Exactly six weeks ago.

I burst into tears straight away. Why is this happening now? I don't have Robin by my side, I'm bring up another child by myself. I have no way of contacting Robin, even if I could he already made his decision to be with Marian and he can't get back into Storybrooke.

Poor Regina :(! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

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