Chapter 225

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I find Isabella and Amelia in the cribs in their nursery, both kicking and squirming. I pick them both up and rest them on either side of my arms.

"Hello, darlings, let's get you fed shall we?" I coo

Carefully I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. I place them in their bouncers while I get the bottles and the milk out. After a lot of struggling, I get the milk in the microwave and wait for thirty seconds. Then I remember. I have to feed two at the same time. Great!

I sigh and grab the bottles out the microwave, trying to figure out how I'm going to feed them both at the same time.

"Robin" a familiar voice says from behind me

I turn around to see Zelena, a sad expression on her face...

Uh oh! Happy Friday guys! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

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