Chapter 85

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One week later


I'm sat in the hospital waiting room with Zelena. Today's the day of my ultrasound. I'm excited but nervous. Excited to see my baby for the first time but nervous in case something's wrong with them. Since Maleficent's been in town I'm pretty paranoid and worried she's done something to the baby that I can't control. I shouldn't be here, I should be at home waiting for Belle to call me in case she find something about what those witches are up to.

"Are you okay?" Zelena asks

"I'm fine, just nervous" I sigh

"Don't be, everything's going to be fine" she reassures me

"I shouldn't be here, I should be at home waiting for a call from Belle, she could've found something!" I huff

"Regina, you need a break from all of this. You need to stop worrying too, stress isn't good for you or the baby" Zelena replies

"Well it's easy for you to say, Maleficent didn't threaten you or your unborn child!" I snap

I feel bad straight away.

"I'm sorry" I say

"It's fine" she shrugs

A nurse comes into the waiting room

"Regina Mills" she says

Here we go...

Will the baby be okay? Comment what you think! Also, comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

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