Chapter 73

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I walk back towards the cave where we all said we'd meet. By 'we' I mean Ursula, I and Rumple. Our plan is going to work. We are going to succeed.

I bumped into Zelena and hinted our plan to her. She doesn't know what we're planning but she knows it's about Regina. It won't take long for her to change to our side. She's never liked her sister.

I reach the cave.

"Is it done darling?" I ask

"Indeed it is" a familiar voice says

"Well, well, well. Welcome back, maleficent" I smile

Ursula and Rumple finally come out of the shadows.

"Thank you, now can we get started"

"Indeed we can" I nod

DUN DUN DUN!!! I see trouble!! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

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